POV Kirishima Part 1

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"Guys I know this was I dare but I really don't think we should do this," they were in the corner trying to act not suspicious.

"No, it's fine," Mina brought her phone out, "I need to see what he'll do."

"He'll probably just blow him off the roof, that's what he'd do to me," Sero nodded.

"Either way it wouldn't be manly if you didn't go through with the dare," I know but it doesn't feel right.

He said he was coming up, Bakugou opened the door, and walked over, "Hey shittyhair, what did you want? And why are we on the roof?"

"I felt like this was the best place to tell you," he looked at me confused, I don't think he realized the rest of the Bakusquad is here. "Listen we need to talk," he crosses his arms and I could tell he was a bit relaxed, I wonder what's going through his head. "Listen I can't be friends with you anymore," I could see his composure faltered.

He tensed up, "what?"

"I can't be your friend anymore," I could see his composure is up.

"Like I care," just do what they said.

"Why do you have to be angry all the time? Are you ever nice? Once in your life?" I know they can't see his face but I can see something, but why would he be upset? He shoved his hands in his pockets.

He doesn't care about anyone's opinion, "Why? I don't." He looked over and saw the Bakusquad in the corner, he just silently laughed to himself, but I could hear the pain in it. Why? "You wanted an audience for this too," I thought he was going to attack me but before he walked off he just said, "whatever Kirishima, not like I care."

Mina walked over, "Oh my god, you're alive, I swear he was going to attack you."

I didn't respond, "his reaction was amazing." Denki seemed happy, did no one else notice? Am I the only one that could tell? I mean I hang out with him the most.

"I have to go," Mina stopped me.

"Where are you going?" think of something, they said I couldn't tell him tell the morning.

"I have to go double check my homework questions," I could tell she saw through my lie.

"Okay well don't stay up to late," I nodded and opened the door and ran down the stairs.

I ran to his door and knocked, he opened the door and when he did, he seemed different. He seemed... "What do you want Kirishima? Another joke? Because I'm good on those today."

"No, I just wanted to tell you that it was a Dare, I never wanted to hurt you," he seemed to get angry at that.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better, next time do your dares on someone else," he slams the door.

I knock again, "Bakugou, please, I'm sorry, I really am."

"Go away before I blow your ass up," I knock again.

"I'm not leaving until you forgive me," he opens the door.

"Or what you'll be here all night, I doubt it," he shuts it again.

"Bakugou please," he didn't answer, I slid to the ground and leaned against the wall, "I'm not leaving until you let me in."

~time skip

I felt someone kick me lightly, I woke up and rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Bakugou. "Did you actually sleep out here?"

He helped me up, "yes, do you forgive me?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "yes shitty hair, you didn't have to sleep out in the hallway."

I shrugged, "of course I did."

"Whatever lets get to class," I looked at my uniform, I fell asleep in it, I shrugged.

"Okay, lets go, can we stop at my dorm to get my bag," he just grumbled a yes. He still seems mad at me. I go into my dorm, and grab my bag when I come back out, he's already walking. I can't blame him for being mad, but why does he care? Would his reaction be the same with anyone else? I caught up to him, I stayed silent.

"Kirishima," I looked over at him and smiled. "Did you really think I wouldn't be bothered?"

"Would you be bothered if Sero said it," he rolled his eyes.

"No," that makes no sense, "Just drop it."

"You brought it up, wait does that mean you actually see me as a friend," he stopped talking but he hasn't relaxed. "You should come over tonight," I'm glad its Friday, "we could have a sleepover."

He glared at me, "Last time dunce face got drunk and Sero tried to tape your toaster to the wall using Kaminari as an outlet."

I laugh, "they don't have to come, we could just hang out," his glare softened.

"Wouldn't I bore you?" I shook my head.

"Nah, I'll keep us entertained with my manliness," he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say Shitty Hair," I felt myself getting excited.

"So is that a yes?" we get to the door.

"Will you keep bugging me until I say yes?" I nod, "then yes."

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