Chapter 1

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This Book is in Collaboration With Magnolia1256, Go Follow Her!

Elva looked out her dirty window as she brushed her pale golden hair. I wonder what they will be like? Thought Elva, Will they be kind? Worriedly she continued to brush her hair. After she completed her task she laid her brush gently in the trunk at the end of her bed, already packed and ready, prepared to take all of Elva's worldly possessions to her new home. Elva starred down at the small trunk. For all of her lonely life, she had lived in the small grey orphanage. When she was small she had held tightly onto hope that she would be adopted, or even better, found by her real parents. But, as she had aged, Elva had realized that no one would want to adopt an older child. Especially one as quiet and shy as her. She often felt like a puppy in a shelter waiting hopefully for an owner, only to watch another puppy get selected and cuddled in warm arms.

"Goodnight Elf Girl!" called Jessica, "I heard that you're getting adopted, they must have asked Ms. Reese for a freak child. That's the only reason someone would want you!" Jessica and her mean-spirited followers laughed as they changed for bed. Elva closed her eyes, usually, she would ignore Jessica's nasty teasing but, tonight she decided to fight back. "Well at least I'm getting adopted," said Elva's eyes on the floor. Jessica slowly turned around and looked at Elva. "What did you say, Elf Freak?" hissed Jessica. "Nothing," said Elva instantly regretting her jive at Jessica. Nothing good could come of this. Jessica glared at her for another second, "That's what I thought," she said with a cold smile on her lips. She turned back towards her bed basking in Elva's fear.

Elva looked down at her bed and pulled her thin comforter back and climbed in, ready for sleep to overtake her and whisk her mind away from her pain and worry.

Elva woke the next morning feeling slightly less worried, knowing what was going to happen was out of her control. With this thought Elva felt braver and she quickly changed, snapping her trunk shut and pulling it into the hallway. Elva looked at the dull room that she had shared with 20 other girls for 15 long years. Elva smiled and silently bid her room goodbye. Then she turned away from the dim room and said goodbye, not only to her room, but to her dreary and lonely life in the orphanage. 

Elva walked into the waiting room were, Ms. Reese smiled kindly gestured for her to sit down.

Ms. Reese smiled as she looked over at Elva. Elva smiled back. She had always like Ms. Reese, the kind and friendly matron that was something of a mother figure to all of the children and teens at the orphanage. Elva sat down on a couch by the desk Ms. Reese worked at. "What time will they be here?" asked Elva, "Any minute," said Ms. Reese as she typed on her ancient computer, "They said that they had to collect their son from a friend's house before they would come over here and sign the papers to officially adopt you." Elva smiled, "So I will have a brother," she questioned Ms. Reese. The woman smiled and replied, "Yes, his name is Alister, he's 17 and is their biological son." Elva smiled at the thought of a sibling. Just then the doorbell rang through the orphanage and Elva looked up seeing three tall redheads walk in. "Hello, You must be Elva," said the woman kindly, "We are the Baxters, and your new family."

100 years ago on the very same day in a much darker place.....

 As a willowy golden headed girl kneels at a river, a tear rolls down her face while she stares at her reflection. She looks up to find a shadowy man standing across the river, glancing at her. She cries "I will do anything! Please just one spell, one drop of magic is all I ask for. Please." She was helpless or so she thought, "Anything you say? You will do anything, any quest, get me any object i want?" tearfully she nods her head, "yes" she whispers. "If you really want magic you will get this for me..." she cut him off "what is it?" he continued, "I want just a piece of your brother's staff, not even the whole thing, just a cip of the stone." he said with a mysterious voice. "But why would you want part of Merlin's staff?" she queried, "No questions asked just get me what i want. And when you have it bring it here on a full moon."

A month later she returned to the river, in hand she held a chip of Merlin's staff. The shadowy man approached her and said "Well done, now all you have to do is hand me the fragment and soon you will have magic. She handed over the fragment, he received the fragment. "Now child take my hands, as you will soon receive the magic you have been waiting for a long time now." she took his hands, a dark red covered the moon and everything went dark. A strong headache pounded through her head. She glanced down at the river, her hair started to grow black soon there was not a blond hair on her head. She looked back up at the man, he smirked and laughed. She was so confused she did not know what was going on, was this a part of the magic? She glanced at the river angin her pupils had turned black! She blinked, thinking that she was dreaming then a black tear rolled down her face. The man laughed and what seemed like a ghost came out of him and went into her, she fell to the ground and quickly lost consciousness.  

We hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please follow and like to find out what happens next in Elva's twisted tale!

- Eira & Magnolia

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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