Seriously ill🤒🥺✨Class 1a x bakugou

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In this Lida is smart and very sciency and nows a lot about health and he's better than a Paramedic 😊

Friday, Denkis favorite day aside from playing video's games, movies made Denkis life happy. It was about 6 o'clock when Kiri and Sero walked into the Common room. "Where is everyone?" ask, kiri. Denki replied, "Doing their own stuff" Sero then yelled out "Guys! We're here and ready to start movie night!" Deku came into the living from out of the Dojo and Todo explained that he would be there in a second he was almost done fixing the remote Bakugou threw at Deku yesterday. Deku was already sitting on the couch with popcorn excited to see what movies Sero and Kirishima had bought.

All of the boys were in the room expect bakugou . Kiri looked around and said, "Where's Blasty?" Sero replied, "I don't know bro, Kinda think of it I don't think I've seen Him all day." Denki sighed and said, "That's odd Baku usually likes movie night, I'll go see if he's in his room." Sero and Mina took up seats next to Lida as todo preceded to want to pop batteries into the remote and then realized he had none so he said, "I'll be back I forgot the batteries."

Upstairs: Kiri walked to Bakugous dorm room and knocked twice on the door, he got no answer so he talked through the door and said, "Bakugou, Sero and Denki are here we're just waiting for you so that we can watch the movies they bought. Suddenly Kiri heard some coughing, it was deep and Raspy followed by a moan. Kiri opened the door to find Bakugou on the floor, he yelled out, Guys! Come Quick! and ran into Bakugous room. He kneeled down next to his friend and turned him over and saw Bakugous eye's closed but at least he was breathing. Bakugou started to cough again as everyone rushed the doorway wondering what had happened.

Todo saw Kiri and Balugou on the floor as he made his way through the crowded doorway. "What's wrong with him?" asked Todo as he put his fingers on Bakugous's neck to check for a pulse. "I don't know," said, Kiri as he continued with, "I heard Bakugou coughing and when I opened the door he was on the floor." Deku put his hand on Bakugous forehead and said, "He's burning up! Quickly help me get him back into his bed." Kiri,todo and Sero carried bakugou to his bed as Lida began to exam him.

Bakugous breathing was heavy labored and he would not stop moving his head side to side. Lida left for a second and returned with a few things. He's got a fever that's for sure, he stuck a thermometer in Bakugous mouth and listened to Bakugous lungs. Before the sound on the thermometer could go off bakugou started coughing. The coughing was so rough that it shook Bakugous entire body, Bakugou turned to the side willing his body to stop but it did not. Deku and Kiri quickly walked over and held Bakugou down because Bakugou was trying to get up and out of bed.bakugou was so dizzy and feverish that when he opened his eyes it was only for brief moment to wave his friends off.

Lida grabbed the already fallen thermometer from the other side of Bakugou and it read 103.1. "The fever is as high as I suspected I will back with some medicine." What's wrong with my baby bakuhoe!?" asked an anxious Mina . Lida replied, "It seems to be a bad case of the flu." Denki sighed out loud, then said, "I'm glad he's not dyeing but I think we should leave so that we don't catch what Bakugou has." "That's a good idea" replied, Todoroki. Lida proceeded by saying, "perhaps it's best that we do movie night next week when Bakugou is feeling better." Everyone was so worried about Bakugou that they agreed.

Lida had returned with some pills and a glass of water. Everyone except Kiri had already left the room. "Bakugou, Bakugou wake up its me Lida" Bakugou , just turned his head and moaned. Kiri then said, "Let me try." Kiri shookbf Baku and said, "Hey blasty we need you wake up and take these..." Bakugou , had woken up at that very moment, he sat up with a jot and looked at Kiri and then at Lida, he pushed the covers to the side as Lida was beginning to say," You shouldn't get out of bed" with his robot arms Bakugou darted off into the bathroom.

Bakugou began to vomit violently, Baku had managed to slam the door behind him so Lida and Kiri decided to give him some privacy. After a few minutes they heard some water running then a loud thud! and then nothing. "Bakugou?" said, Lida. "Bakugou are you ok?" said, Lida. There was no answer so Kiri peaked through the door and saw Bakugou on the floor. "Bakugou!" both Lida and Kiri yelled out. Lida ran in first and turned Bakugou over. There was blood on his head and some on the sink. "Apparently Bakugou must have fainted and hit his head on the sink", said Lida

They lifted their hot headed friend from the floor and took him back to his bed. Lida pressed a piece of gauze to Bakugous head and asked Kiri to hold it there. Lida proceeded by checking Bakugou's eye's with a small flashlight "pupils are sluggish and sensitive to light." "What does that mean?" replied, Kiri. Lida says, "It means he gave himself a concussion." Kiri shook his head. Lida then replied, "Let me look at that head wound I think he might need stitches." As Lida suspected he did. Lida numbed the area with lidocaine and stitched Bakugous head up and then covered the area with a gauze. "We should try to wake him up soon, with a concussion if you sleep too long you could go into a coma." They successfully woke Bakugou up briefly only to get him to drink some water and medicine. Bakugou then coughed a few times and fell back asleep.

Part 2 soon 💋

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