Oh Those Days

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Oh those days where

Everything bothers you.

The foosteps of your family,

The sigh of your dog. 

Everything just makes you mad.

You sigh and try to breathe.

That's the last thing you want to do. 

You get annoyed at yourself,

Annoyed for getting mad.

Oh those days where

Your emotions rage,

They make you feel crazy,

And like you're going insane. 

You question everything you know,

"Why why why me?"

You try anything to

Numb your emotions. 

Anything to help you at all.

Oh those days where 

Everything feels great.

Your joy is exploding, 

Your peace unending. 

Everything feels great. 

You're happy. 

You're amazing. 

Do you hate how 

Bipolar your days are?

You're happy. 

Then you're depressed.

You're angry,

Then you're confused. 

Why can't everything be normal? 

Why can't things be consistent? 

But, I guess...

That's just how life is. 

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