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"I'Jae you need to get off yo ass and go down to that unemployment office so they can cut yo ass a check" my mama said pushing my room door open hard making it hit the wall.

"For what though Ma? I already told you J had an interview tomorrow"

"Fuck that interview, I said get yo ass up and go to that damn unemployment office shit cause I'll be damned if a bitch living under my roof and ain't bringing no money in" she scoffed as she turned to leave out the room

"I'm the only one bringing money in this bitch you and ya sorry ass nigga ain't doing shit to pay the bills, y'all asses living off that money I get from my daddy and my paycheck" I snapped, I was beyond fed up ever since my dad died she been treating me like shit.

My dad died when I was in 8th grade, and he left everything he owned to me, but I can't touch nothing until next week, when I turn 18.

All the money he left me has been coming in monthly so my mom won't have to worry about buying me things that I wanted but since it comes in her name she uses it for whatever she wants.

You would think that my birthday being around the corner would make her ass be more motherly to me but nah it made her more bitter.

"Fuck you bitch get yo shit and get out my house" she yelled at me.

"Don't worry ima be out tonight, I think to ass forgot I get all my shit next week, yea that big ass house, all the money that's been coming in, and ima get my own foodstamps yea hoe yeen eating off me no more" I laughed getting all my bags I had packed just cause I knew today was coming.

"Ion give a fuck, yo hoe ass ain't did shit but turn my man away from me. If it wasn't for you he shill woulda been here" she yelled as I took my things out of my room.

"Yea aight Irene" I said not really caring about what she said, she always blamed me for my dad's death and she always would say I pushed him away from her because he put me first.

"Yo nasty ass always wanted my man, I shoulda been put up ass out. You a nasty bitch thought you could fuck my man I used to see how you used to be all in his face smiling and shit"

"What Irene? Yea you off one for real the guck type of shit you on? That was my fucking father. How does a lil girl spending time with her dad mean she wanna fuck him?"

At this point she just one bitter hoe who not getting no more of my time, I'm done and I'm gone.

I didn't say nothing back to her all I did was load my stuff up in my car while ignoring all the shit she was saying.

Once I was done getting everything I went back in to get my box from under my bed that held all of my saved up money in it. After grabbing it I walked into the hall only to be met with her.

"I'Jae so you really gone leave me? You all i got, I don't know what ima do with out you, you my baby girl, you my heart out of my chest, please just stay" she cried making me laugh

"That's cute but ima head out" I laughed walking off.

"Ight then bitch leave, I shoulda aborted yo ass"

"Yeen that crazy you know my daddy woulda killed yo dumbass" I laughed slamming her door before getting in my car and pulling off going in the direction of my nana house

𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓....

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