Chapter 13 // Apparitions of a boy

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I've only just realized how much I HATE buses. The lack of seat belts, the flimsy-sounding glass windows, the way the bus HAS to swerve EVERY corner and worse, the sickening jerks of the bus halting to a very quick stop.

I hated it, but everyone else was fine with it.

I sat right at the back, next to the window, staring out of it carelessly, hoping that the ride wouldn't be too long. Next to me was Chanyeol, who Lexie forced to sit beside me, so she could flirt and laugh with Kai, who didn't seem to mind.

It felt awkward sitting next to Chanyeol, as he was far taller than me and we both didn't converse much.

The whole bus jumped as we raced over a speed bump. I swear this driver has something against me! I grabbed onto the seat in front of me (Luckily, no one was sat there) and consciously told myself that my stomach musn't react to the drive with a build up if acid to rise up my throat.

Through my worried thoughts, I felt a soft hand on mine, rubbing circles into it gently. I looked at my hand to see Chanyeol's large fingers on mine, the silver rings on his middle and ring fingers felt cool against my warm hand.

My eyes travelled up his arm and to his face. He looked slightly puzzled, confusion pulling at his usually happy face.

"Are you OK?" He asked, noticing my pale face and thoughtful look.

I just looked up at his large, dark brown, glittering eyes in a slight awe. Wow, I thought to myself, His eyes are really beautiful.

I shook myself from my dazed state to answer his question.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered, ripping my eyes away from him, pulling away my hand from his too. "I'm fine."

I gazed outside the window at the passing cars and pedestrians across the buys streets.

"O-OK." Chanyeol sighed, looking forward, bringing on that awkward, uncomfortable silence.


Soon enough, the 'Bus From Hell' was gone and the four of us were in the massive Shopping Centre at last. The centre had ground, first, second and third floors, all filled with clothes shops, cafes or any other shops you could think of. The place was crowded with busy men and women shoppers, with friends, family, lovers or by themselves, enjoying their free time.

After about, 2 seconds of looking around, Lexie pulled me by my arm to a large clothes shop filled with the latest fashion. I looked over at Kai and Chanyeol who had to look around for a minute to realize where we'd gone. They soon followed us reluctantly.

Lexie let me go as soon as she set foot into the shop and ran to a rack of pretty t-shirts and instantly started filing through them, picking out the nice ones and holding them up to her body and posing in the mirror. I followed her and looked through a pile of blue, black and grey Jeans.

Out of boredom, I looked out of the shop, trying to spot any more shops I would like to go in through the crowds of people. I looked at all the zombie-like mortals walking around with masses of shopping bags in their hands, when my eyes stopped flitting around the crowd and landed on a boy causing my heart to race a little.

The boy I was looking at looked around my age or a little older. He was wearing a black hoodie, the hood over his chestnuty-brown hair. Luhan had hair like that. He was sitting on a bench, looking into his lap, but as soon as he looked up at the crowds around him, my breath hitched.

It can't be!

The boy was a splitting image of Luhan. I would've been 100% sure, but I wasn't completely because of a small cut on his lip and slight bruising around his right eye. I just stared at him, my heart going crazy, my mind blurring out everything but him. I must've been dreaming, is it really him?

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