Just a thought.

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Rosalinda looked out the car window as the city lights slowly turned into trees. Her mom Veronica looks back at her and smiles, "we are almost there, you can stop with your irritable face" she says as she looks back at her husband trying not to laugh. Rosalinda's father Matthew looks at her through the rear view mirror "Mija I know you're upset but you're gonna like it here, I grew up here". "I can care less" Rosalinda whispers. The car passing through the beautiful green trees they slowly transition into the beautiful city of Ogden, Utah. The small stores and beautiful houses Rosalinda knew they were no longer in the city of angels.

Hannah Son checked her phone as she was high off marijuana, It was September 2nd 9:34pm her parents were supposed to be home two hours ago. She tries calling them one more time but she's not sure if she's actually dialing them. Hannah Son is known as a very weird teenage girl. Alone she had a lot of personality in public she was always frozen, felt disconnected to the world. She doesn't really have any friends always keeps to herself, Alex Sanchez tried speaking to her once at school last year and she had ate a bad egg sandwich in the morning. Wanna guess where the egg sandwich went? To Alex's face, It was one the most embarrassing things that happened to her. Hannah's parents traveled a lot so she was always alone, Hannah tries calling her parents one more time, no answer. She gives up and goes to sleep.

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