Chapter 1: The beginning and the end

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  You were confined to a wheelchair and you were told that you had less than six months to live.  You had MS and you were born with it.  You had an accelerated form of MS.  They didn't think you would make it pass 15, but you did.  You even made it so far as your late 20's.  On some days you had a hard time breathing or moving or just getting up out of bed.  Somehow in your own hopelessness you prevailed.  You were depressed that you didn't have the kind of life you really wanted.  However you were happy and thankful you made it this far.  You thought of yourself as average looking, nice, kind, and smart.  You had live a good life and you were a good person.

     You family struggled to make sure you had a good quality of life up till the very end.  You were blessed to have aleast had one long term relationship for 10 years.  You were unable to have kids because of your advance form of MS.  You took about 20 different medications a day.  Sometimes your body ached and hurt so much you wished all the pain would end.  You wished you could get married and have kids.  You wanted to have that kind of love and passion only found in story books. 

    You also wanted to go to college with your friends.  You wanted to study to become a Conselor to help people children and people with problems.  You also wanted to Minor in Dance.  All thoses dreams were dashed to pieces because of your weak body.  Your boyfriend left you when he found out you couldn't have kids.  A way of escape for you was reading fantasy novels and stories.  You would imagine that you were somewhere else or someone else in another place and time and escape the problems and pains of life for alittle while or a few minutes a day. 

  You were thankful for the life you lived everyday.  You knew all your wishes were in vain.  You knew you'd never live long enough to see any of your dreams come true.  As you thought thoses thoughts a few tears beginned to stream down your face.  You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself.  Your favorite character was Drizzt the drow.  You had read all his books over and over again.  You had read the new book and you picked it up from the shift made desk.  You decided to finish reading the last four pages.  You opened up the book and read the last four pages to the book. You had all 30 of his novels and you savor all of them including reading the last four page of the  30th book.

    You often dreamed about Drizzt and meeting him.  If you could you knew that he would be your guy in the fantasy world.  You were tired and you had your night gown on.  You could move your legs, but you could barely walk or stand because of your weak muscles.  You slowly lower your feet and took three steps and made it into your bed.  You closed your eyes and went to sleep and never woke up again.  You stopped breathing in your sleep and died from MS.  You thought to yourself this is how I went peacefully and now you would never have to be sick again, depressed again or in pain.  The only thing your would know and feel is eternal sleep. 
                                                          The END TO YOUR OLD YOU AND OLD LIFE..............

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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