Chapter One: The Unseen

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It was a cloudy day at St. Lactali high. Clara stood near a table in the busy cafeteria looking down at Delia, who was sitting.

"Wanna go to the cafe with me after school?" Asked Delia.
"I'm sorry, I can't go with you. I'm going with some other friends." Said Clara in a soft high pitched voice.

As they were speaking, Clara noticed a boy gazing in her direction. He was tall and had chestnut brown hair.  His daydreamy eyes caught Clara's attention

"Who is that? Why is he looking at me?" Asked Clara.
"I'm pretty sure his name is Daniel. Maybe he thinks your pretty or something." Whispered Delia in her shy quiet voice.
"Oh yeah he probably does, I should go talk to him." Said Clara

Clara approached him feeling confident and nervous at the same time.

"Hey umm, why are you staring at me?" She asked him in a nice way but also sounding kinda bitchy.
"Oh, I wasn't looking at you...I was looking at her." He said in a sort of snarky but also charming voice.
"Who?!"  Asked Clara all flustered. He pointed to Delia. "Her." He said.
"O-oh um.. ok" she said while she walked away embarrassed.
"What did he say?" Asked Delia.
"Oh um, nothing important really, 7th period is gonna start soon and I gotta go meet up with my friends at my locker." Said Clara. "
"Ohh ok bye!" Said Delia softly.

At the end of the long jarring school day Delia was walking down the halls ready to leave. she saw Clara with her friends.

"Bye Clara!" She said but Clara didn't respond.

Delia just assumed she didn't hear her and let it ago. As she was walking she felt a hand tap her should and a charming voice say.

"Hey, wait up!" It was Daniel, the guy from before.
"Oh, hey.." said Delia confused.
"It's Delia, right?" He asked
"Yeah, Delia Rose." She said with a bashful smile.
"I'm Daniel, we have study hall together." He said.
"You know my friend Clara, right? You guys were talking earlier..." She asked.
"Not much but I've heard of her." He said. 
I gotta go but we should talk sometime." He said.

Hw put out his hand for her to shake. The warmth of his hand shaking hers was almost comforting. He felt something when he shook her hands almost like an electric spark between them.

"Yeah, later!" Delia said all happy with a soft chuckle.
"Definitely." Responded Daniel.

Delia was surprised because nobody ever really noticed her presence at school. No one had any interest in her. Nobody cared for her the way people cared for her dear friend Clara Perry. Clara was known for being the pretty, quirky, nice girl everybody liked. Guys were attracted to her like a moth to a flame. Deep down Delia wished that she could be just like Clara. She wished people would treat her with kindness and respect, like how they treated Clara.

As she got on the bus she saw her very close friend, Vanessa. She took a seat next to her

Hey!" Said Delia.

Vanessa also went "unnoticed" at school.

"Have you seen Clara at all today?"Asked Vanessa.
She went to the cafe with her other friends." Said Delia.
"Ohh.." said Vanessa sounding annoyed. "I totally fucked up my math test today but Jacob called me pretty!" She said.
"Oh that's great! I knew you guys would be great together." Delia said happily.
"Daniel Walker spoke to me today." Said Delia.
"The football player?" Asked Vanessa.
"He plays football?" Delia asked
"yeah he's one of the lesser known guys on the team, he's cute!" Vanessa chuckled

When Delia got off the bus she walked into the large beautifully winsome mansion she lived in, but it wasn't her mansion. Her mother was a maid for the Brown's family. They payed just enough for Delia to attend St. Lactali. Delia was forbidden from "exploring" the manor. She mostly kept to herself and didn't leave her room. Delia walked into her mother cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.

"Let me help with that!" Said Delia as she took a plate and placed it in the dish washer.
"Very well." Said her mother in a cold stern voice.

Delia was washing the plates as her mind was distracted with a myriad of thoughts.

"How was your day at school darling" asked miss Rose.
"It was ok mother, I think I did good on my math test." Said Delia.
"You have to do good on your exams Delia! You don't have the same privileges as your classmates. You cannot afford to attend any collage you want!" Her mother scolded
"I know!" Said Delia.

Delia but the last of the dirty dishes into the the dishwasher and turned on the machine.

"I know that you know, you just have to always think of the future. Don't forget to feed the cat and get the laundry done!" Said Miss Rose
"Ok mom" said Delia.

Delia went outside to look for the cat "Dina!" She called
"She's over there." Said a girl

It was Monica Brown. She was the daughter of Master and Mistress Brown. Being 18, Monica was only two years older then Delia but they both often kept to themselves. She didn't attend school with her brother or Delia, instead she went to a very prestigious all girls school. She was a sophisticated young lady and her parents took her education very seriously.

"Oh, thank you " said Delia kindly
"No problem... Delia." Said Monica
Suddenly an angry looking middle aged man emerged from the garden door.

"Monica! There will be no talking to the help!" Said Master Brown.
"My apologies father!" Yelled Monica as she rushed inside.

Mr. Brown gave Delia a dirty look and went in his way. At night Delia went inside and put on some sleep clothes. She was ready to go to sleep, wake up, go to school, repeat. She hoped something could one day be different. But one could only dream.

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