Chapter 16

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Percy's POV

I heard someone crying. It sounded really close as well. It sound like.. Like my Mum? I felt some with there hand on mine. I kept my eyes closed and listened to the convosation that my mum and most likely the doctor where having.
"Good news."the doctor started "he should wake up within the next 24 hours" Mom let out a sigh of relief.
"Bad news. He'll be in a wheelchair. We'd give him cruchers but with the broken arm he won't be able to use them propuly." He said. I heard foot steps and the door quietly close.
"A wheelchair... Really?" I said smiling. I opened my eyes to see my mum and Paul with smiles on their faces.
"Percy!!" She called out. She came in for a hug. She put her arms around me but I flinched.
"Ouch, ouch, ouch!!" I said gradually getting louder. She pulled back.
"Sorry, Percy" she said smiling. I grabbed the remote and got my bed to sit me up. I looked down at my body.
"What happened?!?!" I asked a bit alarmed. I had a cast on my leg and my arm was in a sling. My big cage was wrapped in bandages.
"Jakes what happened" my step dad, Paul said in a bitter tone.

He told me the story of what happened and everything came back to me.
"Annabeth!! Where is she!" I shouted out. I throw my legs over the bed and tried to stand up. I almost collapsed. Pain burned through my body and I shouted in pain. Paul put me back on the bed.
"Your not moving! You hear me Percy" my mum said. She realised how she said it.
"Sorry, Percy but you won't be able to see her unless a doctor says so. In the mean time you'll have to stay in bed." She said with a sad voice. I sighed really loudly. The doctor came back in. He caught eyes of me.
"Heyy, Perce." He said.
"Sup, Jason. Long time no see!" I said. He came in for our secret hand shake.
"Your sister came earlier, Taylor" he said with a smile. Jason's always had a crush on Taylor ever since they met over 13 years ago.
"So how you doing? I mean with the pain..." He said sitting in a spinning chair across the room.
"Not bad. How's Annabeth...!!" I shouted the last bit.
"About her... She's got no signs of waking up any time soon. Right now she's on life support. She almost drowned when" he coughed the name Jake. " pushed her of the board. She hit her head aswell so they think that she might have fallen into a coma but it's too early to know for sure." He said with a bit of sympathy in his voice.
"I swear to gods. When I'm out of this stupid bed and back on my feet Jake won't know what's coming for him." I said. Anger rose up in my chest. I just wanted to beat the crap out of something. Jason started laughing faintly.
"Now I see where Taylor gets it from. She said the same but threatened to give him 2 black eyes." I laughed slightly but it hurt my chest.
"So. When can I get out of this bed?" I asked with a annoyed tone hinting on my voice.
"Later today maybe..? Tomorrow at the most." He said.
"I'll come back later. See ya" he said exiting the room, closing the door behind him.
"What date is it?" I asked turning towards my mum who was still holding my hand.
"It's August 11. You've been here almost a week." She said. I could tell that she'd been crying.
"So Annabeths been in here for 8 days?" I said about to cry myself. My mums phone began to ring.
"Hi." "Yeah he's here" "sure you can talk to him." My mum said into the phone. She passed it to me and put it in the hand which didn't have a cast on.
"Heyy, this is Percy" I said.
"Oww Hi Percy, Are you okay? I came round earlier but you were there laying on a bed uncontence and I began crying. I hope your feeling better" I said in a sarcastic tone mimicking, Taylor.
"Sorry, are you okay? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING!!" Taylor yet again shouted down the phone.
"I'm fine thanks... You know only a broken arm, leg and a couple of ribs..." I said.
"Next time I see Jake I swear to god I'm gonna kill him. I really will. I'll kill him..." She said with anger in her voice.
"Yep you are defiantly my little sister...." I said laughing. I finished talking to her after about 10 minutes and ended the call. I passed the Samsung back to my Mum.

Her and Paul talked to me for about a hour until they had too leave for work. They left the room and me. I had nothing to do. I shouted for a doctor. Someone walked through the room.
"You called for a doctor?" He said no even looking up.
"Yeah. You got a library here?" He nodded still looking down to see what looked like paper work.
"Would you be able to get me a book, Divergent?" I asked. He nodded and walked out of the room. Minutes later he returned with a kindle
"Here. Anything else?" I shook my head and he left. Luckily I could electronically turn the pages. I started the book and began reading.


Comment some ideas that I could use next. I reply to every comment. Comment your opinions in the story so far. I will be coming to a end soon. Maybe 4 more chapters... After this I'm thinking of doing a story called 'Hero's in Highschool'. Good idea? I donno...

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