Its All Good

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Back To School

I woke up and rolled out of bed not wanting to go but I knew I had to. I walked to bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had cut my hair because I felt as if it would release some stress. Which it seems like it did. I didnt really feel like getting dressed so I just slipped on a white tee shirt and some gray sweats and my red beanie hat. When I wore my beanie last time I didnt hear any teacher make a complaint about it so why should they now. I then got my book bag and went to the car. Vincent let me drive myself to school today so that's something I looked forward to doing. I started the car up and turned on Aalyiah's song "I miss you" I started thinking about back home and if I should just go back. I have just as much drama here as back home so whats the difference. Its like drama just follows me. I drove for about 5 more minutes and then arrived at school. I seen tyla sitting on a bench waiting for me. I got out the car and walked over to her. I then seen shauna.

Shauna: Ohh so you drivin now? Is that car suppose to be cute

I looked at shauna and just kept walkin. I didn't want to say anything to her because I think I might kill her. Its her fault all this happened. Just because she wanted to be all in my business for what though.

Shauna: ohh so you dont hear me? Now you aint got nothing to say? I wouldn't either if I were you...I mean you're a new girl and already have a sex tape out? Wooow

I stopped walking and clenched my jaw. I turned and faced shauna. I threw off my book bag and walked up to her. Jaylin stepped up by her side and tyla stepped up by mine.

Me: What?!! What shauna what the fuck do you possibly want from me? You wanna fight me? Here I am!! I mean you stalked me so bad that you went and found a video about me?! So what im not perfect! I never said I fucking was! What you think im a hoe now?! You think im like you?! No..not even close to being like you! Yeah I made some mistakes in my past but who hasnt! You have to be the most childish person if you judge someone based off there past...its because of you my fuckin cousin almost got killed and I could really beat your ass right now for that and nothings stopping me. But you know not gone stoop to your level cause beating your ass wouldnt solve anything!

And with that I picked up my book bag and walked off headed to the school. Tyla was walking next to me as well. When I walked in school I noticed people staring at me. I rolled my eyes and just continued stuffing books into my locker. I knew why they were staring but I really could care less right now.

Tyla: Im so glad you said that to her. Something she needed to hear.

Me: Yeah well its whatever.

I got everything i needed and headed to class. I walked in and didnt see tyrell. I guess hes back to his late schedule.  He started coming on time to see me but I guess thats stopped and I really dont care. I was kind of glad he wasnt here. I went and took my seat and just got on my phone. I seen shauna walk in and look at me. She didnt say anything she just look and took a seat. Jaylin rolled her eyes and then took a seat. Trinity walked in after them and looked at me. She smiled and then gave me a thumbs up about earlier. I smirked at her. I dont think her shaunas friendship will last too much longer cause trinity seems like she doesnt like her as much. As I was looking at trinity tyrell walked in behind her. My smirk went away and I just looked back at my phone. He came back there and sat down but didnt speak. I was glad he didnt but then he broke the silence.

Tyrell: Aye do you have a pencil

Me: Nope

I could see tyrell looking at me in the corner of my eye so I decided to put in my headphones before he could say anything else. I sat with them in all class period and did my work.  Once the period ended I met up with tyla and we headed to the cafeteria because the school was  having some little ceremony in there. We walked in there and sat down. The guy started talking on the stage. Me and tyla werent really paying attention until we heard him mention cyber bullying. We both looked up and looked at him. Tyla then looked over at me. I continued looking at the man talk. What he was saying was really getting to me. I then thought of something that I thought I would never do.

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