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This is a story plotted and written by my Instagram writer friends and me.

Everybody was able to join it anytime. We started with some basic aesthetics and collected ideas, which I put together in a plot. I tried to include all ideas as good as possible!

Then, we designed out main characters Lyra Ava Paris and Autumn Orion via internet survey.

The basic idea of the Community WIP was to decide together what is going to happen next. This was made possible by Instagram's "poll", "quiz" and "questions" sticker.

I hope you have fun reading it!

- Janina Raven

Some of the awesome people who participate are:

@ inku.writing.advice on IG



@ kashishwrites on IG

@ tsuyoko_chan on IG

@ writingreveries on IG

@ mynameisnonasoumy on IG

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