11 - Quintinus Is An Idiot

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A few hours later, Lyra and Crux reached an old hut in a mountainous area.

"Is this Leander's house?" Lyra asked while a plane crossed the sky above their heads.

"Yes. Go knock. I'll wait here in the forest," Crux said and pushed Lyra forward.


"Just go."

Lyra shrugged and took Yuri's collar. The tiger yawned and followed her to the hut.

When Lyra turned around again, Crux had already disappeared behind the bushes - together with Icarus.

"Weird boys," Lyra mumbled to Yuri and then knocked.

The old witcher opened the door immediately, as if he had been waiting for Lyra.

"Hello," he said.

"Hi. uh... my name is Lyra Ava Paris and I need your help."

"Alright, I guess I know what this is about. Come in." He held the door open and Lyra entered the hut.

"Are you here because Selma sent you?"

"No, it was Astriel- Wait, who is Selma? I mean, where does she live?"

"Oh, if you know Astriel, you probably also know Selma. She just goes by her second name nowadays."

"What is her second name?" Lyra asked, though she had already a distant idea.

"Rúna. Selma Rúna Paris. She's the librarian of the University where Astriel works."

"She is-" Lyra stared at him in unbelief. "So that's why she knew the whole story so well..."

"Yes." Leander nodded and they sat in silence.

"So, uhm, great-great-great-grandfather..." Lyra counted the "greats" with her fingers. "I need your help. The portal is closed."

"The portal is closed? How come..." Leander slowly shook his head. "I haven't been in the outside world for too long."

He didn't even wonder that Lyra was related to him.

"Please, sit down and tell me your story."

Lyra nodded, dropped on a chair and began with the strange guest in the hotel, how he was murdered, how she found the portal and met Autumn, how they went to Astriel, how she met Rúna – Selma, – and the fight with the stranger, who turned out to be her uncle.

"He stole my name?" Leander asked after she had ended.

"Your last name, yes." Lyra's voice was hoarse from all the talking, and Leander stood up to get her a glass of water.

"And he thinks he's the good guy?" he went on from the sink.


"While destroying Aestria?"


"He's an idiot."


It was silent again. Leander returned and handed Lyra the glass.

"Thank you."

"You know that you need to return the portal to the hotel, right?" Leander asked.


"Say, are you always this taciturn?"

"No." Lyra let out a deep sigh. "I am just hella tired because I've travelled here almost without any sleep, only to have you tell me things I already know!"

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