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They got coffee on Saturdays at Java Joy, the little cafe where John worked. He would take breaks to sit with Sherlock at a table for two near the window.

"I like to watch the people. Deduce them," Sherlock had explained once.

John always gave Sherlock his free drink, one of the perks of every shift. Black coffee with two sugars. John remembered.

Today was the sixth Saturday in a row they had met; consequently, everything they did together became routine. They walked out of school on the weekdays, they met at Java Joy on Saturdays, John hated Sundays. And so did Sherlock.

"You should come over tomorrow." John cautiously sipped his vanilla macchiato.

"Here? I thought you told me Sunday was your day off."

"My house."

"Your house?"

"Yeah. My dad isn't going to be home. He's on a work trip for the next two weeks."

"Oh. Um."

"You don't have to. It was a stupid question anyway."

"No, no. I to, John."

John would never get tired of hearing his name pass those cupid bow lips.

A/N guise omg Sunday is the next chapter yayayay they're so in love awh

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