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It was almost midnight and there are still people who went to the bar while others are leaving in a drunk or sober state. Win and the nong has already left the bar minutes ago. It was a struggle for Win, he brings his motorcycle instead of his car. If only he knew things like this would happen, he definitely would use his car.

Getting the nong home was a real struggle. The nong clings onto Win tightly, Team's hands were wrapped around Win's neck. Win needs to make sure the unstable Team doesn't fall as his right hand wrapped around the nong's waist closing the gap between them.

"Shia, the taxi is fucking slow!" Win cursed annoyed.

"Sle-ep, ngh," Team mumble between Win's neck. Win can feel the soft breath brushes across his bare neck and it sends shivers through his body. It was not just a soft air but the soft lips lightly pressed on his skin. He gulps!

Win cursed the taxi more in his head for being late. Soon after the taxi arrives and finally arrived at their apartment building. After paying the taxi driver, Win didn't bother to wake the nong up as he threw the younger on his shoulder and carried the boy to his room rather than Prem's room.

Win reached his key in his back pocket unlocking the door and as soon as the door is wide open, he went inside with the nong and throw him to his bed making the nong groan and wide awake.

He walked back to the door, closing and locking it as he turned his head back to the nong who's now conscious. From Prem's face, he knows that the younger hasn't come to his sense the fullest.

"Are you okay?" Win aksed Team with his flat tone but receives none response probably because the younger is still shooked the fact that he was thrown to the bed without any warning and he's lying if he said that it does not hurt.

Win walk to Team with a serious face and he leans closer to Team making the younger confuse as he moves backward until his back reached the bed wall stopping him from moving. Win without any expression bent down, taking the nong's shoes.

"What are you thinking?" Win said with a smirk. Team's breath hitches, speechless, he froze but his eyes laid on the senior.

Thousands of unexplained feelings or maybe a question, Team's eyes were started to feel watery. He tried so hard not to broke into tears especially not in front of the guy he hates the most. He bit his lower lips, eyes were fixed at the senior as he stares icily at the man.

For a moment, Win was in an astounding seeing the fierce eyes of the nong, he felt somehow hurt. He can't help but stare back at the nong. Win stares are different from the nong, it's not blank but it also not a withering look as it is not fierce but a soft one.

Silent filled up the room, tense can be felt between the two men but soon changes.

"Hia, do you hate me?" A single tear squeezed out from Team's wild eyes.

That one question makes Win shocked, he seems to be a loss of words.

"Why aren't you answering me? Do you seriously hate me that much?" Team's voice was shaking, the cold tears he been trying to hold back start to stream down his face.

"I-i, No-"

"What in the hell did I ever do to you? Am I disgusted? Hia, why aren't you saying anything? You hate me right, but wh-y?" the nong speak but choked on his sobs.

"HIA HAT-"before the words are finished, it was cut by Win.

Win slammed his lips to Team.

Warm lips pressed against the younger. Team's eyes widen and it takes approximately one point five seconds to realize Win was pressing his lips on him. Team freaked out and push the blonde hair guy away. Win moved his hand from the younger cheeks to the back of his head. Team hardly had a moment to react before Win pressed his tongue to the seam of Team's lips again, Team sealed his lips tightly not granting any access but Win hands slightly brush the nong's tight making the younger gasp as Win found his access, delved inside Team's mouth. The kiss from Win is firm against Team but the kiss remained soft and gentle.

Approximately one and a half-second, Team stop pushing Win away as he melts into the kiss. For whatever reason, Team can't understand the bitter-sweet taste inside his mouth that drawn him to kiss the senior back. Their lips began to move in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously. Win grab the black hair lightly pulling the younger to him, adding more pressure to their lips, deepening the kiss and the kiss becoming more passionate by the second.

Win drew away, pull back from the kiss to catch their breath. After a few seconds of silence, Win lifts the nong's head to face him, he caresses Team's cheek, wiping the tears away gently.

"I have never hated you but I have always liked you,"

"Wait, NO! I love you nong," Win confess.

Sniff! Sniff!

"You're lying, Team hate Hia!" Team chocked on his sobs and sniffled. Surprisingly, the senior find it cute as he can't hide his smile looking at the round cheek boy, his reddened nose with the swollen eyes. Win never thought of the boy as a cry-baby.

Win stroked the nong's black hair and pulled him into his chest. Win's lips alight on Team's forehead like a dew freckled petal caught in a breeze, so soft and with the smallest hint of coolness.

"Team?" Win called the nong's name but only a soft sniffled can be heard. Win looks at the nong but to his surprise, the nong has already fallen asleep. A soft snore with a soft sniffled can be heard from the nong.

"I hate P'Win!"

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