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Kasabay ko maglakad ang magulang ko na parehas may katawagan sa cellphone. Bitbit ng sekretarya ni Papa ang Brief case na kulay brown. Parehas silang pormal na pormal ang damit, White at Black. I chuckled in my mind imagining how we look like.

A cute and perfect family.

I just graduated today. With latin honor. Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing Management. I pursed my lips as I cried inside. Other family would throw Congratulatory Party for their kids, but mine, on the other hand, planned on leaving me.


"Maya, I'm going now. We'll see each other once I return." Dad, after hanging up. He then reached for his Brief case and turned his back without glancing at mama. I saw him enter his luxurious car together with Mr. Asahi— his secretary.


Return? When? I swallowed hard as I thought of the shit I will do after this.

I watched the car leave and a memory of someone leaving with his car popped in my mind. I looked above and tried to stop my tears from falling.

Mahina ka, Maya.

Mama on the other hand, dropped the call she's on and sighed deeply. I know. She pretended to be busy with her calls. I plastered a monotonous face on her as I faced her side, " Mama..."

She stared at me and her eyes started to produce mist. " I'm sorry, Maya."

I nodded at her, hoping through that gesture she understands that I have long accepted that she will leave me. " It's okay, Mama. I know the plan. I'm fine alone, really. Besides, You always do this. You always leave me. But this time...forever."

She tried to touch my arm but I swayed it backwards. " You go on now, that's what you guys are good at, anyway." And I smiled weakly.

My mother, projecting sadness and pity on her elegant face just proved more how determine she is. She looked up, blinked her eyes and looked at me again, this time, with a smile. "I'm going now, Maya. Take care, please. I love you, baby." After that, Mama strutted her way out of my sight and once again, I'm left all alone.

Love? If you love me then why would you leave me? Abandon me? You just take me as a responsibility. I'm a naught to your life.

While they have plans, I have mine too.

To vanish from the world full of despondency. I'm going to search for my peace.

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