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     Vixen entered the clock tower fuming.

     He'd been left on the field unconscious and vulnerable. It was too much, even considering Crow's side of things.

     But really, how could he take him seriously? Crow being scared of a scarecrow, it was just silly! Well, so he thought before he'd witnessed the man at his worst.

     Vixen's chest hurt a little whenever he thought back on the mental image of the man screaming like that. It was terrifying. Though if it were to be in a different context, say, a bed...

     Vixen's eyelids fluttered a little and he shook his head to focus. He dragged the scarecrow to the basement quietly. After looking left and right for a place to hide it, he decided on his pile of clothes, covering it whole.

     With that done, he checked the tower from bottom up to find Crow. When he got to the last floor, he sighed frustrated at the man's absence and wandered to the clock window. The sight of the town far away stole his glance for a few minutes.

     But then he moved his gaze to the short stairs leading to the roof. He went there and climbed, each step with a creak, and opened the window to peek outside.


     He could hear light tapping on the tiles, sounded as if made by nails. He leaned further out and looked to the left to see 73 hop his way. Once the bird went noticed, it cawed.

     "Crow?" Vixen clumsily stepped out on the platform. He eyed the tiles incredulously. They were old, more like ancient, scraped and moldy.

     73 cawed again, so Vixen slowly stepped on them. Once his full weight went settled down, three tiles underneath him gave up and he yelled in shock, wobbling downwards.

     Not looking forward to a broken spine and neck and... body, he desperately tried to grip the roof, but nothing looked stable and so he only went further down until he completely lost it.

     Once he got near the edge, he cried helplessly and closed his eyes shut.

     Now, you might've been expecting Crow to suddenly appear and save his sorry self, but Vixen hasn't.

     And yet he found himself wrapped in a pair of long, leather covered arms gripping him from behind tightly, as though he couldn't be trusted to even inch around. It was completely true.

     Vixen gasped in relief and let his head drop on the man's chest.

     Just before he got to thank him, he remembered he was angry at the man and glanced at him, meaning to shoot a glare.

     Crow had his head bent close so that their noses bumped when he turned.

     "Thank you..." his voice cracked.

     Vixen was hopeless.

     Crow stretched his neck a little and pressed his limp lips to the corner of Vixen's mouth. The fox man sighed lightly and got on his toes, but Crow let go and gripped his hand, starting to walk.

     "Oh God!" Vixen repeated over and over as every tile he stepped on gave away, making him stumble while hugging Crow's arm. "I don't get it!" he complained once the man stopped.

     He was standing on the upper edge of the tiles, where the nails were pinning them. Just as Vixen got to wrap his mind around the strategy, he found himself in the air and then over Crow's shoulder.

     "Oh wow." he sighed despite the man's shoulder continuously gutting him. All he could focus was Crow's arm around his waist, hand gripping his thigh.

Vixen (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now