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Push Bardi!
I can see the head!
You can do this!
Come on ...push for me...
Be strong!

Jacques was yelling his lungs out. The bastard was about to be born. The pain of birth wasn't even comparable to what I had gone through nine months ago. Jac was my best friend. My savior. My knight in shining armour.
But this baby I was struggling to push out was total trash. A reminder of everything I went through. But Jacques had talked me into keeping it anyway.

9 months earlier...

I like to play this game called what could I tell you? I was this girl who would look at you one time and tell you about yourself, your character, your personality, your everything... Even your sexuality. As for me, I was a total bisexual ass bitch. That's for you to find out later though.

So yeah... what exactly could I tell you about my family? Not much because I didn't have one that I was proud of.

I was an only child to a crack head mum and a drunk ass dad. Greta and Diablo Guerrero had lived in Mexico for all their lives. Met in Guadalajara state and settled there.

They didn't care about me though. They once did but after dad lost all his property to the Himena triad, everything changed. From constant hits on him to threats on his only daughter, he decided to leave Guadalajara and settle in Nayarit.

San Pancho was my town. I was about 6 when we settled here. Dad wasn't able to secure any job , mum was a housewife so yeah... One resorted to drinking while the other resorted to cocaina.

I hardly got any attention from the two. Most of the times after school, I'd come back to broken plates and two high ass adults ... completely passed out in what seemed like heated sex. I mean, judging from the fallen plates, drop pillows on the floor... Dang ... I had a messed up childhood.

Mostly, I had to get through an uncle to get money for school and snacks here and there. Though most school days would pass by without anything to eat... except the school's pathetic food...mostly soups. Soon the said uncle probably grew tired of me. I clearly understood. I mean...I was a burden... and soon I was tired of being tossed around so I dropped out. At only 13.

Mum and dad didn't care anyway. If it weren't for Mary mother and God himself, I would have definitely died or something. I literally survived through thick and thin. But praying the rosary always gave me strength to move forward. I had the hope and faith that through prayers, hard work and not giving up , I would definitely be better than the duo who considered themselves my parents.

And I had the perfect weapon to get through anything. A hot banging body. Yeah I was thick in the right places. With luscious lips...the Kylie type..., A juicy fat ass... not too big and not too small ...just moderate and squishy... My eyes glittered darkly as I  looked down at my breasts, the areolae surrounding the nipples a deep dusky pink, those nipples dark and swollen, like two ripe berries waiting to be tasted. Eaten.

I had inherited the body from my mum. Though the cocaine had disfigured her. My papito gave me deep dimples, Pacific blue eyes and dark hair...
My hair fell just above the crack of my ass.
No lie ..I was all perfection. 18 was a whole sexy revolution from my once gawky self.

A job was all I was thinking now. Living under my parents wouldn't do me any good. On that particular day...I chose the right clothes for the interview to work at the club. A black crop top revealing my toned abs and a tiny black skirt that hugged me just right. For my face, I did a little blush and red lipstick. I did my hair in a ponytail, ensuring that my edges were perfect. Looking at myself in the mirror (mostly pieces of a broken mirror), I only had two words for myself.

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