The Cat

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"Novus will be fine Rave, don't worry so much. I'm giving her an IV, but otherwise, she's hurt. That's her Soulmate, as much as you want to be, you're not. How do you think Ay-"

"Don't, finish that sentence Opal, I don't want to think about her right now." Even though they were outside, their voices carried to my ears. Rave took me home, I banished Liam from Crystaillia. Everyone was silent, though I heard Rave and Raisa were fairly happy about it. Liam, a traitor. The one person that I actually trusted betrayed me. Every time I moved the IV shifted in my arm, causing an unpleasant sensation. Opal slowly walks in,

"How are you?" I chuckle, resting my head onto the soft warm pillow, "I understand."

"I should be relieved, now I have more time to focus on Rave, but," Opal smooths my hair down, she begins to braid it, slowly,

"Novus, I understand. I loved this wonderful person until I found my Soulmate. I was confused. Scared, but I knew my love would be happy with me just being near them."

I glanced up at her, "Did you ever tell them how you feel?" Opal smiles, lost in thought. She stops braiding for a moment only to take a deep breath and continue,

"No, but you know them better than anyone else." Opal finishes the braid,

"Opal, what do you mean?" She shakes her head,

"I just wish I told them sooner, now they're trapped between two different people, and two different worlds." Realization hits me. The braid drapes across my shoulder,

"I'm sorry." Opal smiles,

"It's not important, right now I just want to make sure you're safe. Now, " Opal glances around the room, "was someone else was there when Liam attacked you?" her question was sincere, her voice had a calm tone of bedside manner, it was obvious in her eyes, Opal was nervous,

"Yes, " the memories flow back from the fleeting moment, "a woman," the woman stood up at the cafe, teasing Rainbow briefly, "the woman had vitiligo." Opal's eyes light up,

"Where are her patches? It'll be easy to identify her if we know." The woman had a circle around her left eye, a patch around the right side of her lip, and the most distinguished patch, the mark on her right arm. The same mark the Unspoken that attacked me. I explain the patches to Opal, the Unspoken's face was burned into my head. Everything about her drove me crazy. I don't even know her name, an Unspoken's name such a dangerous wonder to ponder on. There were always rumors that if someone said their name they'll become unstoppable, Opal begins to ask me several questions, it came all at once

"Opal, can I just rest?" she pauses,

"Of course, but I would still love to hear more about the Unspoken's-" Opal stops mid sentence as a man in white slinks into the room, "good afternoon Uppermost Kahn, why have you graced us with your presence today?" Opal flinches slightly as the man moves forward, bowing her head in respect, and in fear. The man towers over me, his face deadpanned,

"And why have you not greeted me Novillia." His words soaked with venom, fear of a great ruler, a race that was seemingly superior,

"That's not my name." He chuckles slightly,

"You believe that you deserve respect over a cast out name. A name that the Angel Council gave to you," he chuckles, "what a waste of DNA." Opal flinches once again, slowly overcoming her fear,

"Why are you here, Novus and-"

"Novillia." her tail twitches,

"Novus, and I are not usually an interest for the Angels." He smiles, poison rushing through his teeth you can almost see the venom dripping down,

"I'm here because Novillia is not the queen yet. Angelus is in turmoil because you aren't crowned."

"I was suppose to be crowned yesterday. I was attacked, surely you know about this."

"Of course, you banished one of your Pure Light's because he's an Unspoken's slave. I don't understand why you didn't just use the Dispel Chant," he pauses, "Oh wait, you were never taught actual magic."

I always thought Angels were suppose to be the kind beings that watched over us when we were failing. This man was no Angel. Every fiber in my being was twitching urging to yell, revolt at him. Opal was uncomfortable, I felt sick at the mention of my past. Kahn knew all of this, yet he played it to his advantage. I couldn't let myself be used as a toy, as a puppet for his amusement,

I huff, "I don't appreciate you mocking me. Trinie was never the type to teach me anything useful."

Kahn chuckles, raising an eyebrow at the mention of Trinie, "And is that why you killed her? She was simply a little too rough on you, so you overtake the throne?"

Brambles appear in my throat, but I persisted, "She abused me, she experimented on me every single day! Just being in this room with an IV makes me sick! I did what I had to, not to mention Kito was even worse I felt so uncomfortable I-"

"Do not mention Kito's name around me, a pitiful demon isn't worth my ears. You're a hybrid, a mutt. No wonder your real parents didn't appreciate you."

The words stop, the brambles take over and suddenly, I couldn't defend my actions, I couldn't defend myself. The tears drip down like a waterfall that was just let loose, monitors go crazy, I feel crazy, Opal rushes over to calm my shaking body. Her fear of Kahn was overtaken by the healer side,

"That's enough! You're making Novus' condition worse, get out of this room!"

From the corner of my eye I see Kahn hesitate, from what I didn't know. Opal's new found confidence, or the fact that he truly didn't mean to go as far as he did. Whatever the reason, he quickly recovers his loftiness,

"A waste of my time. Here," Kahn tosses a book onto my lap, tears soak through the leather, running down into the cold dry hands of mine,

"What..what is it?"

He scoffs, acting as if I should know exactly what the book was, "A book, full of names of Slaves, and the Unspokens."

Before I can say thank you Kahn is gone, the tears subside as do the chills, I take a deep breath opening the book, inside the cover a note falls into my lap. Opal gently opens to note, then tilts her head. I glance over and she cautiously hands me the slip

"It's the Dispel Chant. What does he want me to do with this?" as I search through the names I see the reason he truly came.

Opal sits waiting for an answer, "Novus? What is it?"

"Kahn is a Slave of the Unspoken I fought. She, she wants me to Dispel someone, but who? Why?"

"Novus are you sure that Kahn didn't try to break the spell."

"I'm sure, because this is what the Dispel Chant says, I free you from this curse, for better or for worse, so you can live again, for a life not in vain, Love Yanamarie-wait."

"Novus is that the Unspoken's name. You just said her name, we're not supposed to say their names. It'll awaken their powers."

"Well..well, yeah but maybe that's just a tall tale y'know?"

"Or maybe it's not."

"Opal, what are we suppose to do? This is just adding on to the stress I already have! What if someone figures it out!" As I finish my sentence Raisa knocks on the door,

"Novus you need to get ready for The Crowning today," I nodded my head, hoping she heard nothing, "I'll keep this a secret if you want."

"Please, don't tell anyone. It'll freak the others out and I have to get ready," Raisa crosses her arms,

"What do I get out of it?""

I flinch, "Uh.." She smiles,

"I'm kidding Novus, this mouth will be sealed shut for you!"

"Thank you Raisa."

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