Part Three: Hero!

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    Suwaline was walking down the path of doom and she doesn't know because it not visible in her eye because she special to this castle. Then a woman's voice start talking and it said, “ Well hello there, I guess u finally made it  here after 16 years, i been waiting for you here for a long time so long that four season have past for the 16 years.

“Who are you and why are you waiting for me,” Suwaline asked.

“ I am the guardian of this castle and i been waiting for you because they're someone who wanted to meet you and have been waiting for you .

    “Who,” Suwaline ask.

    A women and man walk out it was Suwaline dad and a women. Suwaline ran up to her dad to gave him a hug but before she can do that a force has stop her from doing that.

    “Your dad and mom and now in invisible jail, which mean that they are lockdown inside a box that you can’t see it because  it’s will prevent anyone from getting close to it,” the woman said.

    “ Did you just said my mom?” Suwaline asked

    “Yes this is both your parent,’’ the woman replied


Suwaline fall on her knee and start to cry in joy but when she look up they were gone, it’s because her parent are not real that was just a hologram so they can make her feel weak which make it easier to kill her. Suwaline felt very weak like a bullet just went though her heart. In her mind there was a voice that said danger is near use what your dad taught you. Suwaline think for a while and said, “ Yes! I can just the tales that my dad taught me to protect myself and my parent like what he warn me.” So in the tales, a boy who lost his parent and the enemy who would try to kill him so that he can be king but the boy outsmart him meaning that the boy trick the enemy and the enemy end up in jail. Furthermore, Suwaline have an idea to outsmart the women by tricking the women to the hole of doom  which is a hole that will trap any person or object that fall into it.

    “If you want to kill my parent you first need to kill me,” Suwaline said.

    “Haha you just a 16 year old girl i can kill you with one hand,” the women replied.


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