Part Four: The Conclusion!

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    So the women stood up and was walking toward Suwaline and Suwaline was heading toward the hole of doom without her knowing. But then, Suwaline trip over a rock and she was trying to get up but can't because the women was too close for her to do anything. Furthermore, something ring a bell, Suwaline have an idea so she pick up the rock and was trying to aim at the women eye so that she can’t see. So Suwanee picks up the rock and threw it and it hit her so that give Suwaline time to stand up and running toward the hole of doom. With one eye the women ran after Suwaline. Suwanee jump as high as she can across the hole and made it to the other side so the women did the same but didn't made  it and fall into the hole.  After that Suwaline ran looking for parent and finally found them. They were so happy to see Suwaline so is Suwaline .  The happy family walk out and Suwaline was the town and her parent hero because she safe the women from being queen and also safe her parent from being kill . This story teaches us that alway remember what your parent taught you, you might need it one day to save you self and others.

                The End!

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