Chapter 1: Memories

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This story was inspired by my little brother since me & him like Five Nights at Freddy's

This will have all the games except the 3rd game since that is in the future

So I hope you enjoy the story.


"Having to live with you is a pain is the ass you know that Jeremy?" A yell at him for making me mad. It was only 4 pm & he hasnt even clean the damn house or even thrown out the fucking trash like I freaking told him to. Why must I do everything around here. "Hey I did the cleaning last week & do not tell me what to do cause I am your older brother." He yelled back were he was sitting right in front of the television.

I walk down the stairs to meet him. "Fuck you Jeremy, you fucking lier I did the cleaning last week, you didn't even bother to clean Lucy's litter box." I was already in tears.

He & I had been fighting like cats & dogs for the past few months. I can't handle this presure. "Yo-you can't even get a fucking job!!" I cried out loud. I gasp at my words. Jeremy was looking down as he was pained by my words. "You know what Reina" he barely wispered. He stode up "I had done everything for you, taking care of you when you were only 8 years old. I didn't even finish school, because of you." I See him clenching his fist, and then he looked at me with watery eyes "Why can't you just appreciate what I gave up for you!" He yelled at me scaring me.

"If only mom & dad were here to help me..."

I couldn't take his words anymore. I ran to the restroom & closed the door behind me & lock it. Good thing it was Sunday because I feel like shit right know. I looked my self in the mirror. The burn marks I had on my hands & on my neck were so vividly seen. I still have my mother looks & I have fathers brown eyes.

God I miss them so much. I felt tears streaming down my face. "Why did you have to leave us" I sob as I remember what happened 7 years ago.

I was 9 years old I remember sleeping & waking up to the smell of smoke. I got up from bed & prosided to walk towards the door. Opening the door,smoke hit my face causing me to scoff. That's when I realized the house was on fire. I panicked & I ran towards the room my parents were in.

Once I got there the door wouldn't open & I could here my parents screaming. "MOMMY, DADDY!" I remember yelling. I keep banging on the door causing flames to touch my bare tinny hand. Then I could hear my mother screaming, "REINA RUN, LEAVE US ME & YOUR FATHER WILL BE OKAY."

I knew that was I lie. I kicked the door & I tried everything. I wanted to save them. Soon Jeremy was yelling my name.He was covered all in black. He saw me & ran towards me. He picked me up & started to run the opiside way. "JEREMY MOMMY & DADDY ... ARE.. STILL.... TR... " that was all I could manage to say before I passed out from all the smoke entering me.

I later on woke up with in a hospital bed with burns all over my body but the worst once I had were on my hands & neck. Jeremy was next to be with tears on his eyes. He only had burns on his arms & a few scars on his face.

I remember the doctor coming in with a sad expression on his face. He told us our parents had died in the fire, do to the house collapsing. I started to cry. Jeremy & the doctor try to calm me down so I won't hurt or cause more pain to myself. Both my parents were dead & I only had Jeremy as a family..

I tried to shake that memory away. I then heard a knock on the door. "Hey... Reina I'm.... I'm sorry I-I.... shouldn't had yelled at you I just... can't take this anymore know how hard itis for me to find a job to take care for the both of us... I'm really sorry... Reina please... come out"

I open the door & hugged him by surprise. I started to hiccup "I-I jus-just miss th-th-them so much Je-Jeremy." Tears were sipping into hiss shirt. "Me to Reina... me to."


A/N: Hopefully you all loved the firts chapter. I had to re-edit it since it was to short


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