Chapter 7

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Rich tones of purple and gold surrounded me, with a pair of secure tan sandals on my feet. I wiped my lip with my thumb to find that there was no longer a bright coloured glaze on it, but all of my red lip glaze that I had on only a few hours ago had vanished....

Ah, daylight! It can't be that time already, can it? That would mean that it's early hours in the next morning... Tomorrow is today! Tomorrow is today!! But where is Hercules? I remember Hades, Pain and Panic gathering around me and.... NO! A horrified gasp escapes my mouth. I look out the window to see clouds, I'm travelling high into the atmosphere, CAPTURED! I've been abducted, and Hercules hasn't come! Although I can't expect him to at this hour. Pegasus is probably asleep and he's his only mode of transport. But still, hasn't he noticed? Does he know that I'm gone? Does he even care that I'm gone? Or is he sleeping in comfort, slumber deep, enjoying the pleasures of being a hero? Oh! Putting him that way, he makes me sick! He gets all the credit (although I'm technically classed as a D.I.D - Damsel In Distress) and he doesn't even mention me! Well he does, only to say that his inspiration is named after me, because he "lurvess" me. Huh, gag!! Why did I ever believe in love? That's why I sold my soul to Hades, because my heart was broken, and he supposedly mended it. But did he really mend it? Or was he the distraction, the obstacle, in my life? Have I been thinking that he was the love of my life all this time, and he's nothing but an average Greek wannabe? I mean, sure he gave up his powers fro me and whatever, but now he can't ever be a God, so he'll have to live on Earth with me forever.... Or maybe just until his dying day. Because obviously he'll go to Heaven, because he's a hero on Earth and in the clouds. He wouldn't want to spend his life with a mortal, he just wants to be with me because of a stupid thing called love. Wait, no, that's it.

"Hades, untie... Stop this... thing and take me back to Earth." he looked astonished.

"Why? Are you going to leap into his arms and kiss him because you've figured out that you're in love with him? Because if that's what you're trying to pull, then no." I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I want to knock some sense into the guy. I've just realised something and he needs to hear it. This is NOT some sob story about how I need to be with him. How I need him in my life to survive and all that crap. It's to smack him in tthe face with a shot of what is called reality." he took big steps towards me and for some, off-the-wall reason, started carressing my hair.

"That's more like it, my little nut-Meg. God, I've never been so attracted to you..." and then his hands slid on the small of my back ending in a sponntaneous but loving kiss which made me want to kiss him again once he pulled away. My face immediately dropped. "Are you feeling alright?" he raised my chin with his thumb and fifth finger. A sudden urge overcame me and I wiped his midnight blue with my thumb and pressed my lips against his. The time passed... very slowly, as our kiss increased in passion and heat.

"MEG!!!! What the HELL are you doing?!?!"

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