Chapter 1 - Warmest Welcome

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Music boxes played in the distance as your eyes opened, an unfamiliar purple dimension showing in front of your sleepy eyes.
"..oh, is this the place mom talked about?" You muttered to yourself, remembering your mother chatting with you about guidance from above, the kind that comes through dreams, typically coming from a unique place, one that's special to you.
Except, this felt different, as you merely saw a figure in front of you. This figure was a solemn one, one who was seemingly feminine, wearing a beautiful toga, which draped over her luscious hips, reaching all the way to the tops of her feet. She had long, sleek purple hair, which floated behind her as if she was underwater. She wore a silver circlet, and similar cufflets around her wrists, which seemed small and dainty. Everything about her was beautiful, something you genuinely considered yourself not to be.
"U-uhhmm.. hello....?" You asked, starting to try to walk over to her, before your feet starting to slip into the deep black void growing beneath yourself. "H-hey, what's going on..?"
"Deru." The figure says, her beautiful form starting to disintegrate, as she turns her head from your sinking body.
"Please, who are you?!" You call out to the lady, reaching your (s/c) hand out as she fully disappears, leaving you sinking into an endless void.
"..please, I can't be alone again....." You start to tear up, crying as you feel darkness surround your body, a deep pain in your throat as a warm glow surrounds your form.
"People are waiting for you." A voice explains, your eyes feeling heavy as you struggle to close them.
"This won't be your last battle."

"OH SWEET GODS" You scream out into your room, jolting up as you seemingly startle something next to you. Your little bunny, Mimi, who was waiting for you to wake up, hops over to you and angrily nibbles your fingernails, causing you to let out a slight chuckle.
"It's okay, Mimi, I was just a bit shocked from my dream, that's all." You explain, scooping up your bunny and slipping her back into her cage. "Goodness, how did you escape your cage? That's the 5th time this week!"
Mimi lets out some frustrated squeaks as she curls up on her bed, falling asleep as you chuckle lightly, before turning your head to check the time.
"Okay, I wasn't asleep for too long I still have some time to get ready." You smile to yourself as you slip off your pajamas, getting the eerie feeling you're being.. watched? Your (e/c) irises dart around the room as you cover your breasts, making sure that no peeping toms can see your nude form.
"It's okay, I'm probably just being stupid, as usual." You hiss to yourself, slipping on a bra and panties, before putting on your new uniform. You smile to yourself as you look at the beautiful design, it appearing to look like Yukako's uniform, except it was a mint green, with a pastel pink scarf instead of her purple. You looked down at your legs and frowned in disappointment, feeling as if you 'ruined' the look. You slipped on some socks and ran downstairs, checking around for your mom, who, unbeknownst to you, had already left.
"おかあさん?" You called out, getting no response before checking the time. "OH GODS I'M GONNA BE LAATE!!!!"
It turns out, you had spent so much time getting ready, you hadn't noticed the minutes slip away, now causing you to be immensely late for your first day of school.
"And after I was out of school for a couple days, jeez, people are gonna freak out if they even see me period!" You mutter to yourself, slipping on your shoes and grabbing your bag, making sure to not forget your bento as you bolted out the door.
"Okay okay okay, everything's okay, I just need to make it to school." You whispered to yourself, before feeling something shoot into your throat. You let out an inaudible gasp of pure terror as you fall back against the concrete, feeling the arrow bend with your neck as you hear footsteps, 4 pairs of shoes running towards you as you let out a gurgle of pain.
     You cough out blood as you tear up, blood staining your brand new uniform as the world started to go hazy. You felt yourself start to drift off, something grabbing onto you as you allowed your heavy eyes to rest.

     "Oi, Josuke, she's waking up!" A deep voice exclaimed, your (h/c) eyelashes batting sleepily as you look around, noticing some teenagers kneeling down by your side. "Hey, are you okay?"
     "..what... happened.....?" You ask yourself, the people looking at eachother with concern.
     "Miss, you fainted, does your head feel alright?" A pompadour-haired boy asks, holding his hand out for you to take. You hesitate for a moment; what if you mess this up? What if he's secretly going to hurt you??
     "Josuke, look, a stand—!" A smaller, around 5'2, boy exclaims, causing you to look around confusedly.
     "Stand? Huh..?" You ask, before feeling a hand on your shoulder, turning to be face to face with the lady from your dream. "Oh, it's you!"
     You smile as the lady hugs you, quickly scooping you up into her arms, before flying away from the boys at top speeds.
     "Hey, the girl's getting away!" The tanner boy exclaimed, causing the pompadour haired man to start to try and chase after you.
     "Sorry for fainting on you, but I need to get to school!" You smile and wave goodbye, the boy hurrying after you as the lady suddenly chucks you through a window into a classroom.
     "aaaAAAAAA" You start to scream, falling onto the hard wooden floor of the classroom, your peers watching you in horror as you stand up, brushing yourself off as you sit down at your seat.
     Gods, this was going to be a long day.

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