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       A/N: Sorry about the super long delay! Hopefully the longer chapter makes up for it! Thanks xx

     I woke up this morning thinking the entire events from last night had been a dream. There was no way they could be true, no way had Josh asked for my number. When I'd woken up, I'd had to double check my phone just to make sure I hadn't imagined the entire thing. Sure, enough there were more than half a dozen texts exchanged between us before we'd both been too tired to keep typing.

My parents were a different story altogether. I'd managed to get home just after ten only because I'd broken a handful of traffic laws and pushed my Jeep more than was safe. When I'd arrived home, they'd been furious, and sure to most parents a couple minutes after curfew wasn't a big deal but to mine it totally was.

After having my ears talked off for over half an hour, because my parents didn't believe in yelling, but they did believe in talking through things. A lot. So, they had to repeat over and over why it was important to be timely, truthful, rule-abiding and a whole jumble more of words that I'd tuned out. How they didn't make these rules to punish me but to protect me.

It was beyond draining, but after nearly talking me to death they agreed that my punishment would be giving up my car for a week. I almost had a freak-out thinking that would mean I wasn't going to get to go to any more of my classes or see Josh, which while I knew I had his number texting him would never compare to actually seeing him in person.

Before I could even open my mouth to protest my mom held up a hand to shush me and said that they'd be happy to drive me to and from class, but otherwise I'd have the option of walking, biking, or transiting anywhere else I might want to go. Luckily for me I didn't have any great plans for Spring Break, I was just going to hang around the house until it was time for class as boring and lame as that sounded.

So that brought me to now, it was raining today, and I almost felt like my parents and the weather had conspired to keep me indoors and feeling my punishment. My daily caffeine fix wasn't even enough of a motivator to walk the half hour to the closest coffee shop as we'd run out of beans at home.

The now tepid cup of the gross decaf instant coffee I'd found at the back of the cupboard, sat mostly undrunk on my bedside table. Decaf coffee was like making cotton candy out of Splenda, sure it would be sweet and fluffy, but it would never be as good as the real thing.

It was pouring, almost-sleeting outside my window which overlooked the driveway. I stared pitifully at Smokey Malone, my jeep, getting pelted by the huge raindrops. One week of my poor car sitting there.

My phone buzzed from where it had been charging on my bedside table overnight. I couldn't help the smile that overtook my face when I saw who it was. It felt like my whole body lit up, my chest thrumming with excitement.

Josh B: Morning! Liking the weather?

Katie B: Definitely not. I don't want to get out of bed at all.

Josh B: Lazy bones!

Katie B: Oh yeah? What've you done today that's been so productive?

Josh B: I've had training all morning, got a fight coming up.

Katie B: Wow! Now I do feel lazy, I didn't even have the energy to go buy more coffee so I'm drinking terrible decaf stuff instead

Josh B: Tsk tsk Katie B, I figured you'd be a Starbucks every day kinda gal

Katie B: Tim Hortons actually, but I do make coffee at home too

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