The Finding Part 1 Case 2

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Anna P.O.V

It's currently 12 p.m. I'm having lunch alone as usual with the other children here at the orphanage,I swear they're trying to starve us with stale bread and a small bowl of cauliflower soup the size of a soup ladle scoop. The atmosphere is all so negative and tired,I could literally smile and they give me death glares to stop being positive in the slightest. After I was finished I avoided everyone as much as possible to not be seen going to the room. I make my way to the room successfully and I wait out my day becoming pale as usual. Hours after night fell I began writing in my journal and I was too caught up in writing to see a name writing itself on the page after I finished. I quickly tucked the book under my bed to keep the caretakers from seeing it.

As usual I would fake sleep to overhear conversations to see if they talked about me and if they found out I would end up like the slaves at Madame Lalairie's household in New Orleans,tortured and hurt. I heard the caretakers saying something about a new medication for me to take,but I knew it wouldn't help me,nothing could. Nothing could but leaving this wretched place would. I still would have to wait for six more years in order to become a legal adult,or go into child slavery and work in a factory with worse conditions than this. I hope I meet someone who can help !e escape with them or a miracle happen and I meet a strange person with magic to give me a good life but mother once said it was all fake and would never happen.

Hey guys, really hope you're liking my story,I have the plot written down and updates will be often so don't worry and as always nye guys,gala,and non-binary pals!

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