The Finding Part 2 Case 1

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Skylar P.O.V.

We went deeper onto the woods and we found an abandoned orphanage -IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS!?! Wow,why would anyone do this,it looks so old,it has vines all around it and I'm not surprised how it's not crumbling to pieces but hey we don't question things. So we went inside and there was very old furniture from the early 1900's and it was disgusting and torn. The rooms didn't look so good either. The walls were moldy and wet with decay everywhere.there was a literal pile of bones with a once beautiful dress that was a dark navy blue. As for the beds,only one looked completely fine from what I saw. We spread out in the room and looked for any evidence of potential ghosts or hauntings. I looked under the bed and saw a journal with the words 'Property Of Anna Baker ' on the front page. I picked it up and left with it in my bag. We left with Liz taking a small locket,Bella taking a bracelet and Calvin taking a hat. As we left we all put our items in our bags. I didn't tell anyone about the journal yet,I wanted to see the prompts and entries first so when I told my friends it wouldn't be anticlimactic.

I got home and I opened it,inside was a bunch of entries from the 1915's,all signed by one girl,Anna Baker. Her entries were from the abandoned orphanage we were just in. Poor girl,she sounded like she needed help to get out but what was weird was that the next entry wasn't written at all. How? She must've had this journal for years. I put it away after signing my name,the entry had said for me to sign if I'm reading it. I don't know why? But I feel like this is going to lead somewhere.

Hey guys quick note! My friend @1_Rxiny_Dxy is so awesome and is making a book that I have only seen one chapter of also for @1_Rxiny_Dxy look in your inbox! I've been away doing my school stuff and I'm in band and I had to recently go over after school also I have so much work and I recently went with a friend to an amusement park. And as always bye guys,gals,and non - binary pals!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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