ii. - i'm not your sweetheart

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✖️- ii. -✖️

n.h. •

"Don't!" My eyes widened, and my shout was once again swallowed by his laughter. My heart dropped at the sight of Imogen falling over as if she were dead weight. The Demon's soft, bone aching laughter continued.

Even when we'd been alive, my spine would go cold vertebrae by vertebrae at the sound.

I turn and face him, the Devil's Advocate. He only smirks and laughs at me, his eyes momentarily going completely black from their usual blue surrounded in white. A look saying:

we meet again.

I shook my head and fought the blinding anger I suddenly felt. A deep hatred. "Look what you've gone and done!" My voice turned rough like a growl.

"Better go catch her, mate." He hisses out darkly from where he'd hidden. He vanished in a cloud of lead colored ash with a laugh. Throughout the whole exchange he'd been on Imogen's left.

"You're a real fuckin' joke mate." I say even though he's gone.

The Demon convinced her. She jumped 'cause of him.

Sometimes it seems like the darkness of sin is more appealing than the light of salvation.

"Fer Christ's sake." I reacted quickly and jumped from the edge as she had, my wings bursting from my back. I was much faster than her fall, barreling towards her struggling figure. I reached out and caught her, my feet grazing the top of the cold water as I beat my wings towards the night sky. She gave a shout before falling silent in my arms.

Her body seemed weightless to me as I carried her through the crisp air. The strength of angels still amazed me, even though I am one myself.

It took a little over five minutes of being on earth for me to almost get her killed. She was still alive, I felt it in her pulse, my fingers pressing softly to her neck where I cradled her head, holding it so it wouldn't loll like a newborn's.

I'd always been shit at holdin' babies.

My older brother Greg used t' tell me: 'Niall! My son's not a sack of potatoes, stop holdin' 'im like that!' before his girlfriend would smile and take the baby from meh.

My other arm hooked under her knees at the thought. Even though I'm numb to the cold I still felt the frost of her skin. I pulled her body in closer to my chest to deflect the wind and tried to not think about how useless the Legion probably thought I was.

All probably laughing their asses off at me.

I took a glance at her soft face as I flew through the air, noting the indent of a scar on her forehead, the little half smirk she had on her face even though she seemed knocked out. The shock must be why she fainted.

"I'm such a fuck up." And I let out a soft chuckle, my heart hurting. She is beautiful. "Why would you do this to yerself Imogen?" My thumb grazed the skin of her neck softly.

I knew she wouldn't respond, but it needed to be said. "For what? Love? I already tried it-was useless, futile if that's a better word for it. Bunch of shit. But from what I've heard from the other Angels, it's well worth the try." It had to be more than that though. When someone is pushed to the point of wanting to die, it must be a damn good reason. I just can't imagine her putting up with anyone's shit.

Love. Not like the suicide for love in Romeo and Juliet. Her mind blocked me from accessing the memory. The one that would tell me why she no longer believed in love. "It must've been shit." I conclude this to her because I should be able to easily read her thoughts or witness her dreams. But nothing has ever been simple for me, and besides, the challenge made this task more realistic. I couldn't save her if all I had to offer were answers.

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