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Artemis eyes fluttered open. She sat up sluggishly looking around.

She groaned "ugh stupid boys"
'Just because of that idiot, zues banished me. Great.' She thought to herself dragging herself out of bed.

She glances around quickly noting her surroundings.
The bedroom she was in was small and cozy. However, the furniture and bed was all pink and walls covered with posters of cute Male celebrities.

'Ohhh this is gonna be a nightmare." She mumbled tearing down the bright pink curtains. She noticed a mirror and walked upto it.

She looked at her temporary body from head to toe. She was a average 17 year old, with a well toned body and a tan. Her light brown hair fell gracefully over her shoulders. Her eyes were gray but a childish look played on her face.
'I can work with this.' She smiled slightly 'now- to find the demigod.' She walked to the door as a paper came out of nowhere sticking on her face, she groaned pulling it away.

It was a high school class list. My jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me!
Why cant this have been normal?!" She started realizing that the room was actually a boarding school dorm.

Artemis groaned flopping back down on the bed. The sound of a alarm made me jolt up. I threw a pillow at it, "I AM NOT GOING TO HIGHSCHOOL!"
She buried her head in the pillow, recalling Zues's last words before she was banished.

"You will not be allowed back until you've learned to get along"

"super" she thought. "Apollos here too, and we're probably going to be here for long " she rolled her eyes rolling out of bed.

She got dressed in the most "her" outfit in the cupboard, a pair of blue denim Jeans and a white coloured crop top that said "hakuna Matata" Artemis did not understand the rederence but ignore it. She tied her hair back in a pony tail and put on some sneakers.  She left the room quite satisfied with her outfit.

  She left the room quite satisfied with her outfit

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The hallway to the exit was full of girls and boys laughing, giggling and making out. 'Uck this is disgusting' artemis said under her breath making her way to the classrooms.

Artemis glanced at the classlist not paying attention to her surrounding. She was a goddess, people got out of HER way.

Three girls ran right into her as one spilled coffee on her outfit. The girl gasped, glaring at Artemis. She looked up "oh hey I'm sorry."

The girl scoffed "watch where you're going idiot."

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "I said. sorry." She seethed.

The girl chuckled "oh she must be new. I'm Drew Tanaka " she gestured towards her side kicks "that esme and amelia." She booped Artemis's nose. "And I rule the school, so stay in your limits kiddo" she said sweetly.

I rolled her eyes. "Noted."

"What's your name hun?"

"Uh-" what was her name? She started freaking out before checking her identity card. 'Bridget Ivy Jones' she read it out loud.

"Damn, you had to check that? Learn your name honey"
The girl flipped her hair chuckling "come on girls." They walked through the hallway as everyone cleared a way for them.

Bridget groaned. "Atleast it's not that bad."

She found her class and collapsed onto a chair, looking around.

Just beside her sat a fierce yet stunningly gorgeous girl. She had blonde hair, grey eyes and was doing her calculus homework. 'Damn she was pretty' Bridget thought.  "I know you're looking at me" she said without looking up from her work

'Shit' she grumbled. "I'm Ar- Bridget." She said  smiling at the girl playfully.
"Annabeth." The girl smiled back.

Even Gods Cant Handle High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now