Chapter 1- I remember

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I don't remember much from the night he took me. I remember screaming for my sister. Maybe if I hadn't, he wouldn't have taken her too. But he did. 

I remember it was cold that night. And dark too. My sister, Spencer, had dragged me along to some party on the outskirts of our hometown, Nashville. 'You need to socialize more Pickle, else you'll end up as a crazy cat lady' she had said. I wish we'd had just stayed in and watched a movie, like we usually did, that night. But we didn't.

I remember waking up in the cellar that first night, more petrified than I'd ever been in my 17 years of life. I was in a strange bed. Strange clothes too. A plain blue dress that stopped just under my knees. Not something I'd usually wear at all but that wasn't what disturbed me. I don't remember putting on these clothes. Someone else must've done that. 

Then I remember crying with Spencer, who was wearing something similar to me, when she had woken up in the bed next to mine, the reality of our situation finally setting in. There was another girl on the bed next to Spencer's, she too was in a plain long dress. She was terrified when she woke up as well. Her name is Vera. She's bold and smart and fearless. At least, she used to be. She became like a sister to us. Well, to me, Tiana and Keelin anyway. I think Spencer likes her. In a more than a friend way. I've always been able to read my sister like a book. Some people called it 'twin telepathy'. 

Then I remember Tiana and Keelin walking into our room after we had awoken. The two of them were nothing but strangers to us then. The conversation that morning I remember vividly, however. 

"Good you're awake, I'm Tiana and this is Pocahontas," Tiana had said, she was a lot older than us, 28 at least. "Welcome to the family Ariel, Belle and Jasmine." We were beyond confused. Tiana approached us with a wide smile, the girl with the wildly curly hair gave us a sad smile and followed closely behind. I remember Vera yelling with such confusion and anger. But now I know better. She was just scared like Spencer and I were. 

"Those are not our names!" Vera had yelled, "My name is Vera. Vera fucking Baker. I live at 348 Oakwood Grove. I-I have two little sisters. Where the fuck are we?!"

"Shh," Tiana had fearfully said, cringing at the curse words, "You've got to be quiet; he'll hear you. Look, I'm sorry this happened to you, but you must forget your past life. This is your life now. These are your names."

"No, no I don't fucking understand, my sister and I we were just walking home and-" Spencer was ranting.

"Wait you two are sisters?" Tiana had interrupted.

"Yes, twins," I had replied slowly, "Why?"

"He's ever brought down sisters before," Tiana mumbled. I remember meeting my sister's blue eyes, fear swam in them. Confusion, anger, worry.

"The clothes," I had asked uncertainly.

"Oh, don't you worry Jasmine. Pocahontas and I got you dressed. Adam didn't touch you." she smiled, then she looked at the clock, "Oh 8am already. He'll be down to meet you all soon. I better get breakfast ready."

'Pocahontas' had stayed behind. She looked at us.

"You guys can call me Keelin," she smiled, "And I'll call you guys by your real names too if you want, but we mustn't do that in front of him, he gets pissed. I'm sorry about Tiana, she's been down here the longest, seven years. He's really done a number on her. She practically worships him." 

"How long have you um been down here?" I had asked nervously. The answer was a year. Keelin wasn't like Tiana at all, she was daring. She wanted to escape. With the three of us now here she thought she had more of a chance in doing so.

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