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A big monster which looks like a wolf in steroids came out from the barn adjacent to the farmhouse.

Looks like it was having a nice nap and the flash bang woke it up. There are hay strands sticking out of its reddish brown fur.

On the bright side the flash bang had done the job. It lured the predator outside. But it also managed to piss off the big cat. There is a sneer on its face, frothing saliva dripping out of its maw.

The next thing that happened stunned the whole team. All of them were dumbstruck.

The big cat leaped high into the air with a running start, launching itself off of the ground with its powerful hind legs.

Then it took ...FLIGHT!!!.

No. Not really flying. It is too heavy to fly.

It is gliding through the air.

It's front and hind legs are connected to each other with webbing like thick membrane seen in frogs.

These form two wings like those of bats on either side of the predator when it stretches it's leg.

All of this happened within moments and the predator glided to the spot where the flash bang went off. The wolf still didn't find out that there are ten people gawking at it from the sideline.

Riyya is the first one who snapped out of the trance. She climbed up to a crouch position, racked the slide of her Steyr AUG putting one into the chamber, aimed and fired.

She completed all of this in one fluidic motion as if she had rehearsed the movements thousands of times.

She aimed for the neck. After the head, neck is the most vulnerable part with main arteries to the brain and trachea. All exposed to the outside with little to no skin and cartilage protecting them.

Her Steyr AUG chambered in 5.56 mm may not have enough power to penetrate the thick skull of a predator but it can definitely punch a hole through the neck.

It is the instinct and gut feeling born from tens of battles that made her analyse all of this information in the snap of a moment and reach the conclusion on the fly.

Her gun fired three times. Three rapid suppressed fire from her gun. First bullet hit the neck and resulted in blood and flesh flying in the air like a red flower blooming.

Second bullet hit somewhat above the first one but still on the neck making the wound bigger.

The third bullet hit the lower jaw of the wolf predator. Maybe because it jerked backwards due to the first two rounds.

The wolf howled out in pain and anger.

'AWUUU...GHRRHHH'. The howl was cut short by the blood filling its lungs and resulted in coughing and whimpering.

''Spread out. Spread out and fire. Don't crowd around'' shouted Michael as he lifted his gun and aimed to fire.

The predator rushed towards them with hate in it's eyes.

The team scattered around and fired at the monster only to see that the predator doesn't stop to face them or care as rounds entered it's body painting the fur more darker with blood.

'EHHHH'. Their confusion was soon resolved as they saw the newbie still standing in the original position, shaking badly as if he is in a nightmare.

Twenty five meters away.....twenty meters....

''MOVE! Run idiot'' screamed Feng as he shouldered his AR-15 and fired at the monster in full auto, spent shells flying around.

Fifteen meters.....

Resurrection of TitaWhere stories live. Discover now