10- Every little thing

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Owen's POV

Since anything related to our new life as mates seemed to stress Elena out, I tried to steer the rest of my questions as far away from it as possible. I asked general, easy-to-answer, mundane questions. Yet her answers still fascinated me, because they gave me a glimpse of who she was. I drank in every detail, each word that allowed me to know my mate a little bit more.

I learned that she was an only child, and the man she called her father was technically her step-father. She had never known her biological father, and her mother had married a wonderful man who raised Elena as his own. I admired the love that shined through when she talked about her family. She was obviously very close with them, and wrote to them often ever since she moved away for college.

I learned she played the guitar, and singing was her way to unwind from midterm stress. She giggled as she told me her neighbour probably hated her for it, but I couldn't imagine how someone could get tired of hearing that voice.

I asked her about her favorite foods, with the secret intention to learn how to cook them so I might make her feel at home here, even just a little bit.

I wanted to learn about every single thing that made her happy. And I could only hope to be one of them, someday. 

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