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At the end of the day, both Eve and Natalie were exhausted. They still had to go get the key to their dorm room from the office. When they walked into the office building, they were given two sets of keys and a nice lady in her 40s told them they would have a roommate.
"I hope she's nice", said Eve when they were on their way to the dorms which were very conveniently located next to the school's main building.
"They can't be any worse than that Constantine guy", grunted Natalie. She was still mad after today's incident with the prince.
"I don't know what his problem is", sighed Eve.
"It's like he doesn't even know us but he thinks he can judge us just because he's a member of the royal family or something. I hate assholes like him."
"But the thing he said before... about you falling in love with him. You think he meant that?"
Natalie shrugged, seemingly uninterested.
"Phew... hell no. He's just some posh douche. Besides, who cares? I'm not that kind of a girl who he thinks I'm"
"If you say so." Eve was trying not to smirk. Their life at Ivy High has already started to resemble the fanfic she used to read in middle school. So, following Wattpad's logic, the most likely thing to happen next was for Natalie to fall for the guy she declared to hate. After all, the "enemies to lovers" trope was popular for a reason.
"Ehm... Eve, why are you smiling to yourself in a creepy way? You know what? I don't wanna know, you better tell me how it went with the cute guy who walked you to Biology.", Natalie asked with her proud mama look on.
"We talked and he's actually super sweet. Of course, he had to be a freaking prince of Denmark. It's literally impossible to find a normal guy at this school.", Eve rolled her eyes. "His name is Nikolai."
"Well, nothing happened. I followed him on Instagram but it's not like he's gonna notice when he has thirty thousand followers." She chuckled.
"You never know. But I don't think he would walk you to class if he wasn't at least slightly interested in you."
"He was probably just being nice."
Natalie smiled, knowingly.
"Sure thing, sweetie."
"No, but for real-", She paused. They finally got to the dorm building. It was huge and looked nothing like what they imagined.
I guess it's only fair that the dorms look like a freaking mansion, thought Natalie. After all, it's a school for rich people, and rich people have standards.
Eve was gasping for air.
"We're actually gonna live here?! Without the scholarship, I wouldn't be able to afford it even if I sold all of my internal organs!"
"You know... you can just sell your virginity to Mr. Prince of Denmark. I bet he would pay nicely for that cute body of yours." said Natalie with her "I'm a genius" smile.
"Oh, quit that", murmured Eve, trying to bury her head in her hands.
"Hun, we both know you would like that. He's a cutie."
Eve sighed, embarrassed.
"Let's just get in and try to find our room."
Natalie sent her a knowing smile before opening the doors to their new house.

When Natalie and Eve finally arrived at their destination, their new roommate wasn't there. The room was of course fancier and bigger than normal dorm rooms but they expected it; after all, it was Ivy High - it couldn't have been anything less than luxurious. The thing that immediately caught Natalie's attention was a gigantic, almost human-sized poster of one person she did not want to see in her room, ever - prince Constantin. She had to fight an urge to rip it off the wall - the way the guy smiled at her somehow made her burn with fury. Great, she thought. Now she will have to look at his face every time she wakes up. Could she get even luckier than that? Ugh... I will deal with that later, she thought, starting to unpack her boxes.
They had just finished tidying up the room and Natalie was trying to organize their stuff in the bathroom when suddenly she heard a loud scream coming from their bedroom. She immediately ran into the room, panicked. What on Earth could cause Eve to scream like that?
Her friend was hyperventilating on the bed with a phone in her hand.
"What the hell happened? Are you okay?!", she asked Eve in a worried, high-pitched voice.
"Sweet Jesus! He... he followed me back! Just now!" Eve had a look of disbelief on her face, her eyes wide open and staring at the phone screen in shock.
"Wait the damn minute. Jesus did what?"
"Not Jesus, you dumb bitch... NIKOLAI!" She screamed so loud Natalie thought she would lose her hearing aid and how on Earth would she be able to survive without hearing Massimo's or Christian's voice. Her two big life idols.
"Gosh, you don't have to scream like a chimp on fire. And see? I knew he would do that." Natalie said with her typical "told you so" look.
"Like a chimp on what? Nevermind...", She shook her head as she had just given up on trying to understand what was going on in her friend's head. "I just didn't think he would remember who I was. It sounds too good to be true to be honest."
"Why would he not remember who you are?"
"Cause I'm not that special?"
Natalie laughed.
"Wait what? You are not special? You? You are incredibly kind, lovely, funny, intelligent, and completely stunning. If he doesn't see that it's his loss! Always remember that every woman deserves to be treated like a princess. Also, you fought for that scholarship so hard, you sacrificed so much to be here, if anything, that makes you so much more special than anyone else!"
Eve just hugged Nat as hard as she could with her tiny arms. They didn't say anything else, they just stayed like that, wishing for this moment to last forever.
Surprise: it didn't. The moment was ruined when the doors to their room were opened by their new roommate. She turned out to be a pretty, dark-haired, and dark-eyed girl who seemed a little surprised at first but her expression quickly changed when she recognized who they were and her lips stretched in a smile. Her name was Emma and she seemed pretty excited to be sharing a room with Eve and Natalie.
I would think she's a normal girl if not for that weird-ass poster of Constantin next to her bed, thought Natalie. She couldn't understand why anyone would want to see his stupid face as a first thing in the morning. There was clearly something wrong with her but she was not going to get into that just yet.
After introducing themselves, Emma gave them a much-needed tour of the dormitory, showing them the kitchen and the main living room. Everything looked like something from an architecture catalog. There were fancy paintings hanging on the walls, as well as statues and other expensive-looking decorations. When Eve saw a particularly impressive looking vase, she jokingly asked if she could touch it.
"Of course", Emma responded with a small smile. "Just try not to break it. I think it's worth around half a million."
Eve immediately made a mental note to never touch anything that looked even slightly breakable.
After the tour, they went back to their room and after talking for a little while with Emma, they've decided to go to bed early. Their first day at Ivy High turned out to be exhausting. It'd be best to rest while the can, especially if tomorrow was going to be as eventful as today.

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