Chapter 1

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December 16th, 2063




My eyes shot open and my breathing became rapid as a loud noise jolted me awake. I began sitting up, using my arms to brace the top of my body. Still feeling out of it, I jump when I realize a body was sitting on top of my legs. "You're going to be late." A voice echos. My eyes wander upwards to see that the body belongs to my roomate, Evander Thomas. I groan in annoyance and fall back. 

"Get. Up." The blonde boy grabs my arms and pulls me toward him. "We have a meeting in like two seconds. Get up." 

"Just let me skip it. I didn't get back until early this morning." I mutter back as he quickly gets off me and holds his hand out to help me up. "I've only been asleep for an hour." I confirm as I glance to the clock hanging above my dresser. Evander's lips are pressed into a tight line as he jerks his hand towards me again.

"The last time I let you sleep in we had extra laps." he replies bluntly. I begin to push the bed covers off my legs and swing them to the side of the mattress, completely ignoring his hand as he continued to complain. "You know how much I hate running." 

"I know." I answer back. "That's why I'm going to take my time getting dressed now." I dodge his hand as he attempts to slap my shoulder. 

"Hey! That's so not fair! You owe me, so get a move on.. not everyone has the privilege of being the General's favorite.' he argues back and I scoff in return. His eyes shoot daggers into mine and I continue to pull myself out of the inviting bed and trudge toward the stacked clothes atop my dresser. Which he no doubt got out for me while I was still asleep.

"Give me some privacy Evander and then I'll think about hurrying up." The boys eyes shot open before a sheepishly bolted out the door of my bedroom. I chuckle in return and pull on my training clothes which consisted of an all black attire of pants, a fitted long-sleeve, a belt, which was followed along with some black socks and combat boots. I walk over toward my full-length mirror after dressing and run my hands down my curves as I stare into it. With a long sigh I look at my tanned face. A newly pink scar lay just below my right eye, cascading down to my jaw. A souvenir from my last mission. I grab a clip from the dresser next to it and twist my hair up, pinning it down the the black plastic. I stare at myself a bit longer and notice that for some reason my black hair looks duller then it did yesterday. I shrug at my reflection, rolling the thought off and walk out of the room, grabbing my weapons belt a long the way and strapping it onto my waist. 

"Finally, let's go!" Evander stands impatiently just outside my door. His brows furrow and his brown eyes look me up and down before darting toward the hallway.

"Oh quit whining, we're not going to be late." I grab his hand and we walk down the gloomy hallway. The concrete walls never failing to look cold and bland as we make our way through the maze of the building. I stare off, my feet leading the way as I had made my way down the hallways of this building more times that I can even imagine. 

At some point Evander had let go of my hand and lead the way towards our briefing room. I became conscious of my surroundings once the glass doors lay just ahead. My face became void of emotion, my back straightened and my arms and legs walked in stride, as they were trained to do. Two guards stood attentively by the double doors and saluted as we passed. I saluted in return, making my way inside the dark room. 

Monitors lay scattered about the walls, bodies huddled around them as they scanned through surveillance that retained information from all over the world. I followed Evander as we weaved through them to the back of the room. Many officers glanced my way, some whispering among themselves and others giving me frightened smiles. I gave a few nods in return but that was it. 

I looked ahead of me once we made it to the round table and took my seat, Evander taking his just to the right of me. I glance across the mahogany and into the eyes of my partner, Raven Woods. The dark headed boy gave me a toothy grin and mouthed the words 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦. I rolled my eyes and looked over toward the General who stood at the front of the room. His arms were crossed as he looked between me and the boy sitting next to me. 

"Tokio, Evander... you're late."


A/N -- 

The first chapter! I'm so excited to be able to finally start this book! I really hope you all enjoy this first chapter because there are many more to come. :) All I have to say is that the dates in this book are really important so be sure to pay attention to them! Other then that I can't wait to post more chapters for you all to read! :) Criticism is also greatly appreciated. I'm doing this for fun but I want to be sure that the book is enjoyable to read so any pointers are welcomed!

Thank you again!! 

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