Chapter 2

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December 16th, 2063

"Tokio, Evander... you're late" 

I bow my head in respect as Evander tenses next to me, I can already hear his 'I told you so'. 

"What's the reasoning for your tardiness this time?" The General questions. Evander begins to open his mouth but the General holds his hand up, cutting him. "Don't answer. Just be here on time from now on." 

"Yes sir." Evander and I speak in unison. Our commander nods and continues briefing us about the up coming week. Across the room Raven sits with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. He glances between me and my roommate before turning his head toward the man speaking before us. 

"We've brought in some new candidates this week so I'd like a few of you to help with training." the General looks around at me and my fellow comrades and names off a few, Evander's name is mentioned. I look next to me as he sighed in defeat. He had never been sent on a real mission and yesterday he told me he thought this week would be it. I felt bad for him but he was just too kind-hearted. The only reason he was in this program was because his father was the General's best friend. 

The group that had been named rose from their seats and saluted before walking out. I watched Evander until he was out of sight and turned my attention back to my commanding officer. He went down the list and little by little others left the room, saluting before leaving.  Soon it was just Raven at the round table with the General.

"Tokio and Raven..." he started as he brought his hand to his chin rubbing it for a second before dropping down to a seat. "I have you down for training today, however tomorrow you'll be flown out to Arca's Weapons Facility." I notice Raven tilt his head in question out of the corner of my eye. His black hair falling to the side.

"Why the weapons facility?" my partner asks. 

"We have been informed that Requiem plans to stage an attack there." I mentally groaned. Those Requiem filth are always trying to ransack us. In case you didn't know Arca and Requiem are enemies. They want what we have, technology and weapons. Arca is the leading competitor, we have what no one has, we have shapeshifters. 

The scientists here have perfected the stimulant to combine man and animal. However they've only had one successful trial, Raven. He was the first artificial shapeshifter to be created. Raven is also only one of the two shapeshifters we have on Arca's base. The second one being me. Although there's nothing artificial about me.. I was taken at a very young age from my pack. Many have attempted to capture wild shifters but to no avail. The only reason I was captured was because my family had been killed by hunters for money. I had been left beneath a fallen log until the General found me and brought me to Arca. The rest is history, except Requiem has been trying to create their own artificial stimulant, which has been unsuccessful. 

It might seem easy enough but the human host must have specific qualifications in order to join with the animal host. Not many people have it which is why Raven has been the only success. That is also why Requiem is trying to take our weapons, to try and gain the upper hand in order to receive said stimulant.

"I'd like you two to perform a training exam today before you are sent out. It's been some time since you've been sent out together and I need to make sure you are in every aspect prepared for this." I nod in return as does Raven. 

"Yes sir." he adds. The General smiles and salutes. 

"Represent Arca well." We salute in unison. Raven stands and begins to walk out. "Tokio?" I stand and turn toward the General. He beckons me over with the wave of his hand, still remaining in his seat. I walk over and stand in front of him, hands behind my back. 

"Yes sir?" I question. 

"Be careful and watch your back." he says placing a hand out and I quickly place mine on top of it. "You know how he gets when you go on missions together." He nods his head toward Raven's disappearing frame. My eyes follow and I nod sheepishly, recalling the last time we went out together. He literally locked me in a room while out on a search and rescue, for my 'safety'. 

"Yes sir." he smiles toward me and pulls his hand away, but not before rubbing mine with his thumb. I smile in return, he's always been a father figure to me and that small gesture always reminds me of that.

"Good. Now go to the training facility and get started on that exam."  

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