Chapter 1: Tahani the Architect

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"Well Tahani, welcome to your new life! I'm so thrilled we will be working side by side! Oh this will be so fun!" Michael exclaims, practically jumping with excitement. Him and Tahani have just entered the headquarters for the afterlife system.

"Oh Michael, I'm really just excited as you are!" Tahani says, thrilled that Michael let her do what she never thought she could.

"But are you just a little bit nervous at all...?" Michael says, rubbing his hands together and fumbling with his collar nervously. "Are you sure you want to do this, it may turn out to be very difficult... given that you're a human and aren't exactly made to run the afterlife point system and all-"

"Michael, im not worried about anything, so, neither should you. Im flattered that you care so much but really I don't see anything going a bit wrong for me here! I feel... as if this is where I was always meant to be in the end."

Michale responds to this with a big smile. "Oh Tahani, you're going to do amazing things here! I just know it!"

As the two of them walk the the wide open corridor they pass by familiar voice coming from a nearby room labeled One on One Training. Tahani peers inside and then groans. 

"Oh my! Is that Brent?" 

"Why yes, Tahani , that is." Michael replies.

"Pardon, you mean to tell me that that man has still been under training this whole time?"

Michael chuckeles, replying with "Yeah, uh emmhmm... Brent is definitely struggling."

Tahani gives an appalled look as they pass by the room. 

Soon, Tahani and Michael arrive in the main frame of the experimental headquarters. The wide open room  is busying with people creating different tasks for the incoming humans. 

"My goodness Michael! This place is absolutely breathtaking! This system looks to be the most organized place I have ever seen, and that's coming from someone who's seen Elon Musk's SpaceX!"

Michael smiles, " Thank you Tahani. These workers really do understand their purpose for what they are doing, so they like to act fast."

Michael then starts to grab the attention of two workers in the back to announce Tahani as a new part of the team. 

[*Disclaimer* The following scene is found in "The Good Place" Season 4 episode 13 "Whenever You're Ready", written and created by Michael Schur]

"Glenn, Beadie, this is your new intern, Tahani." Michael says.

"Tahani! This is so neat,"Glenn says excitedly, "I havent seen you since I was exploded into goo! ...I didn't get any me on you, did I?"

"You did," Tahani says solemnly, but then laughs saying, "But its all goo under the bridge! Anyway, I want to learn everything. I shall start at the bottom, and earn my way up. To wit, would anyone like a cup of anti-matter?"

"Sure!" Beadie chimes in. "I take mine with non-dairy neutrinos."

"Coming right up!" Tahani says, turning to Michael with a meaningful and appreciative look on her face.

"Thank you, Michael, for everything."

"Your welcome" Michael replies. "I brought you a little "first day on the job" present. 

He gives a delightful chuckle as he shows Tahani a decorative wooden box, opening it to present his iconic peacock-feathered bowtie. 

"Once you're a big deal around here, I hope you don't mind if I brag about knowing you."

"Name dropping is a little gauche,  Michael," Tahani replies, doing her best to pretend to be offended, but then gives a smug smile and says, "but do as you must."

Michael smiles at Tahani, proud of how much she has grown into this kind and versatile person. He then turns to leave, Tahani left on her own, taking in her new present and reveling in what it represents. 

{*Disclaimer* End of  scene from the  "The Good Place" Season 4 episode 13 "Whenever You're Ready, written and created by Michael Schur]

"Whats that you got there?" 

Glenn's friendly voice interrupts Tahani's thoughts and she looks up to see him standing near her observing the new present.

"Oh, its a gift Michael gave me for first day on the job!" Tahani says through a wide smile. 

"Oh thats wonderful! I see why that looks familiar now! Thats his famous bowtie isn't it?"

"It indeed is!"

"Awe, Michael is so nice, isn't he? I always thought he was too good to be working in the bad place. Like, even through all the penises he flattened, I could see that he secretly wasn't a demon at heart-that he just wanted something more with meaning...even if he didn't know it yet. "

Tahani finds this remark fascinating,"Oh my! Glenn, however were you able to see this in him that far in advance? He hadn't become a reformed demon until after many reboots with us. Bearimys later!"

"I tend to see the good in people...just this trait I have. Not sure why I was ever born a demon, its not like I could've used that to torture anyone, let alone be intimidating. Sort of what set me apart from the others...the reason why Shawn always hated me so much."

"Wow, no thats a really incredible quality Glenn. And I'm sure Shawn doesn't hate you."

"Well sure, he doesn't now. He's a completely reformed demon. But uh, yeah, he most certainly did" Glenn chuckles.

The two laugh as they recount Shawn delivering his iconic line "Shut up Glenn!" It's a nice shared moment, as they  both are surprised with finding each other to be very pleasant and approachable.  

Glenn focuses his attention back on the bowtie and asks, "Well, do you think you can pull off the look?"

Tahani smiles. 

"Only one way to find out is there?" she's says

She delicately takes out the peacock bowtie and puts it on.

"Well then, how do I look?

Glennn looks up at Tahani and is amazed by how well she could pull it off. His trait he had mentioned immediately kicks in, and he sees how capable she is and how much potential she has. He thinks for a moment on what he sees in her.

She has come such a long way. She is going to do great things in the pure intentions of helping the people become better.  She is absolutely pulling off the bowtie as she is going to do her very best in it just as Michael did.  Wow, she is absolutely radiant.

Tahani looks at the tranfixed Glenn in concern

"Erm, Glenn?...oh I can't pull it off can I? Peacock bowties aren't exactly in my style are they-"

"No-sorry no, Tahani! It looks wonderful! I can see that you will truly belong here." 

"From a peacock bowtie?" Tahani laughs.

"Mmhm my intuition is never wrong, remember?"

"Oh, thats right!" Tahani smiled at him.

Glenn smiled back.

The two know working together is going to be a blast. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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