Part 1: Taken

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Shades of Fire By: BubbleBeanBritt

~If you've seen this before, I've put it on my Fanfiction dot net account as well. Fear not.~

Part 1: Taken

The night it happened was dark and cloudy, not a touch of moon nor starlight penetrating the ever-thick shadows...Something moved though...Unseen, unheard, unscented...

A young red tabby tom cat woke up in his den, his pale yellowish-green eyes darting around, unsure of why he was awake, as he heard nothing...But then there was the softest fur rustled ever so softly in the gentlest breeze. He looked towards the corner and saw glowing ice-blue eyes. They grew as their owner suddenly surged towards him and everything went black for the tom...

He didn't know how long it had been, but he woke up in a dark cell that stank of blood and fear. He looked around, as his eyes adjusted to the dim light...There was a scent clinging to his fur...One that was scarcely detected yet unmistakable...It was Macavity's scent. The mingled smells of whiskey, countless cats, blood, and something rugged and alluring...something that drew queens into his bed at night and Hench-cats to his forces. Asparagus shakily rose to his paws, and felt his head which spun rapidly, and throbbed. There was a large bump, but it felt as though it had been tended to...He sighed, despising the tom all the more but remaining calm...Then a terrifying thought entered his head...Who else had Macavity taken? He shakily walked over to the cell door, and peered through the small set of bars...He could hear cats moaning, and crying, and whispering in other cells...He shivered and took in a breath.

"Macavity!" He shouted calmly. It took several long moments but the prisoners all fell silent, as a shadow with icy eyes sauntered lazily down the stairs and down the corridor of cells. Asparagus watched him approach and blinked when the tom halted inches from his own face, the only thing separating them the bars of the cell window.

"What is it that you want?" Macavity asked quietly, but with a dangerous edge.

"How many of us have you taken?" Asparagus asked calmly, seeming uncaring about the toms distance, nor his tone. Macavity tilted his head curiously.

"Not many. Just Tugger, Pouncival, Electra, and Cassandra." He growled.

"You took a couple of kittens?" Asparagus asked, with a sigh. Macavity just gave a nod. "Will you release them?" Asparagus asked.

"I will not." Macavity replied in an equally calm tone.

"Hmm...That may create a problem. Pouncival is very small and nervous as it is and Electra is barely weaned. What is it you seek with kittens?" Asparagus asked.

"That is my own business." He paused then added. "I have a question for you tom." Asparagus tilted his head curiously.

"What is it?" Asparagus asked.

"Where is Mistoffelees?" He asked, his eyes sparking curiously. Asparagus blinked.

"I will not tell you. Why should I answer your questions when you will not answer mine?" Asparagus asked reasonably. Macavity's eyes narrowed.

"You have more guts than most tom. I am trying to get to one of the Jellicle's if you must know. He recently wronged me and I will punish him for it." Macavity said, watching the other through narrowed eyes. Asparagus rolled his eyes.

"Misto and Victoria went on a trip with Skimble and a friend of Skimble's called Lyon, to Ireland. Macavity nodded his head.

"Whatever. Then at least the little pipsqueak cannot ruin my plan this time." Macavity growled. He turned and began to walk away when Asparagus daringly stretched out a paw through the bars and tapped the ginger fiends shoulder. Macavity looked slightly surprised and he slowly turned back, arching one eyebrow questioningly.

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