More dumb shit

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Skinny legend: i-
U weren't lying

Thomas the train: nice shirt dude

Green eyezz: thx man

Mustard qween: now wut :v

River boi: confess deep secrets?

Everyone: sure :D

River boi: thomas u go first

Thomas the train: ight
                      My kink is seeing riv without a shirt 😔

River boi: ...

Green eyezz: um

Mustard qween: 👁👄👁

Skinny legend: uh k..

Mustard qween: next i guess lol

Riv: meEe
       I ate meat once 😙✌️

Green eyezz: thats not very deep dude

Riv: not that kind of meat ;)

Thomas the train: dude u weren't supposed to tell them

Mustard qween: oh 👁👄👁

Skinny legend: oop

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