Party shit part two for yall

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The dance thingy was pretty damn awkward for thomas and riv. They kept glancing at eachother but when one of them caught the other looking they glanced away does that make sense lol. AnYwAys now it was time to announce the winners. "Ight the winners aRrEee...THOMAS AND RIV YAY" everyone clapped except for dewi, thomas, and riv. Dewi was pissed that her and justin didnt win. Thomas and riv on the other hand just sorta looked at eachother and went up and took da trophy that dewi wanted bAdLy.

"So do any of u have anything to say?" Says the random dude that gave them da trophy. None of them say anything so riv starts to fashionably walk back to where da group was but thomas sAys "wAiT rIv" riv looks back dRaMaTiCaLlY. "Wot :v" he says. "I didnt mean to cheat ok he made me do it izz not what it looks like oki D:" thomas says while shedding a tear wew dramatic. "Mm k" riv says with No ExPrEsSiOn and walks of outside somewhere. 

Somewhere in da back:
Riv sits on da grass while thinking about wut just happened. Thomas then jogs over dramatically to riv and sits down next to him. "Wot do u want" riv says. "Listen man im srry k?" Thomas says. And then all that cutesy stuff yk. And then they end up forgiving eachother and are back together lol.

Back inside:
Riv and thomas walk back in holding hands and notice that dewi is mad, disappointed, amd fake depressed."wut happened to her?" Thomas asks justin. "Oh shes mad we didnt win" justin replies."ur not mad?" Thomas asks. "Im not as competitive as her lol" justin replies. "Nobody is as competitive as her lol" thomas says and then idk wut happens lolziezz

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