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Yuna walked into her empty and large home. " Ughhh they are so annoying!! All of them!!........I miss them so much!!" she yelled. Like usual, she blasted up her music in the house so loud that you can hear it in any room in the house. "Careless, Careless, Shoot anonymous, anonymous!!" she sang in the most disturbing voice she could make.

Yuna headed off to bed with her music still on and loud.

~ Morning ~

Yuna smelt something burning and quickly got up. Suddenly someone yelled " You're going to burn the house!!". Yuna quickly ran down stairs. When she saw who she thought were "robbers", she threw her slippers at them, which hit Chanyeol's foot. "Noona, is something wrong? Did you get a bad dream?" Baekhyun asked as he ran upstairs to help her. Yuna looked up and low-kicked him, which made him almost fall down the stairs. " How dare you guys lie to me!! You made me all sad again!! I can't tell if I'm happy or not! And stop picking my lock, the neighbors might think you are all robbers and then call the cops!" She yelled. Yixing calmly walked upstairs, shoved a waffle in her mouth, and then walked her downstairs.

She slowly ate Kyungsoo's delicious breakfast. " Noona, we didn't lie. It's just that we are getting ready for our comeback, so we will be staying in Korea for a while. Which means we can all be together again." Sehun said happily.

Yuna finally calmed down. " Baekhyun, where's Taeyeon? Shouldn't you be with her, instead of us?" she asked. Baekhyun stood up and went to go hide in the corner. " She wanted to spend today with her family, that she rarely sees. " answered Jongdae. Yuna laughed and then got out of her seat. She sprayed whipped cream ( that was in a can ) on his face. " Cheer up!" She said while laughing, and then she ran. Baekhyun chased her until Chanyeol grabbed the can from her. He tried to spray Baekhyun but missed, and then it got all over Minseok. " S..sorry hyung ", he said in a cute way, hoping that he will get forgiven. Minseok grabbed the extra can of whipped cream ( that he knows she hides ), and started spraying.

Tao and Jongin ( Kai ) walked in through the front door. " What is going on? Where we gone that long?" Jongin asked. Joonmyun ( Suho ) grabbed their grocery bags and explained everything that just happened as they were walking in. " Yaahh!! Not the hair noona!!" Sehun yelled.

Jongin, Tao and Joonmyun sat in the living room,  peacefully watching TV. Yuna heard the TV turn on and went to go check. " Hey, Suho, Kai, and Tao are here. Where were you guys?" she asked. They lifted up the bag with no words. " STRAWBERRIES!!! " she yelled. Yuna quickly took the bag to put in the fridge.

" Okay you guys we should clean up." She announced. Of course, like usual, all of them obeyed.

Once they cleaned up, they all left to go to the SM building for practice.

Meanwhile, Yuna went to go visit her high school that she hasn't seen since graduation day.

" Wow, I was expecting there to at least be some changes. But it seems like everything is exactly the same." she said to herself while walking in through the entrance. She looked up at the classrooms and saw the students staring at her. Yuna just laughed because she remembered doing that whenever a strange person walked through the entrance.

" Yuna? Pabo Yuna?" A voice asked. Yuna looked in the direction the voice came from. It was the teacher that made her clean the classroom with Kim Minseok on graduation day. " It's been too long. Have you and Minseok gotten married yet?" Her teacher asked randomly. Yuna blushed and replied, " N..NO!! Now that I think about, we don't really have time for eachother anymore. SM always has him busy with something". Her teacher just smiled and pat her head, " Well just so you know, you should come to my class at lunch. There are these two students that reminded me of you and Minseok so much". Her teacher immediately left after the little talk to go teach her class. Yuna did not know where else to go, so she does what she used to do in highschool. She went to the Nurses Office and went to go lay on the beds.

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