( Final ) 5 years later

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" Meilin!! Ren!!", Yuna called her kids down for breakfast. Five years have passed since their honeymoon, and she gave birth to twins, four years ago. The two ran downstairs, " Umma!! Ren took my lollipop!!", Melin cried. The other day they had went shopping and she bought both of them, a large lollipop. Ren hugged Yuna's legs, trying to hide from Meilin. " Umma, I didn't do it!!", he yelled trying to defend himself, so that he won't get in trouble. " What's with all of the noise in the morning?", Minseok asked while walking downstairs and, sucking on a lollipop. " APPA!!!!", they all yelled. He lifted up a brow, since he was totally lost. Yuna walked up to him and took the lollipop out of his mouth. She put the lollipop in her mouth and bent down to tell Meilin that Appa ( Minseok ) will go to the store and buy her another one. " What why me?", he asked. She flicked his forehead, " Because if you don't, then you get no dinner tonight". Minseok sighed and nodded depressingly.

Even though EXO may not be as poplular as it used to be, they still have many fans that still show up at their concerts to support them. Many fans even accepted the fact that they all got married. " Yo Yo Yo!!! Happy Birthday you two!!", Luhan said as he walked in through the front door with Hyorin. Every EXO is married and has their own happy family now. " Meilin!!", Luna yelled as she ran to go hug her. Hyorin pushed Minseok away from Yuna and hugged her, " I don't care if you two already had kids!! Yuna is still mine!!!". Luhan grabbed Minseok, " Xiumin is still my Baozi!!". Yuna and Minseok looked at eachother and just sighed.

The doorbell rang non-stop, Yuna walked to go open it, of course the person who kept on ringing the doorbell over and over again was none other than their one and only, Baekhyun. " Sorry, for all of that.." , Taeyeon apoligized, and made Baekhyun and their kid apoligize too. Their kids name was, Tsuki. She was just as loud as her parents, but was well mannered. 

" Appa, can we bring Chocolate inside? She looks cold.", asked Ren. They forgot about the dog, Yuna put her in the backyard for some fresh air. Minseok brought Chocolate in, and the kids started playing with her. Chocolate is the same age as they kids.

While all of the guest's were still on their way, everyone helped set up for the party. The guys helped set up the jump house and the slip in slide, since it's summer, plus it's the 4th of July.

After all of the adults finished setting up and cooking, they all played in the back yard with the kids. " Hey, we should make the slip n slide go into the pool!!", Chanyeol suggested. " That's so stupid and crazy....................let's do it.", all of the hubands said and agreed.  The wive's surprisingly did the same.

They finished setting it up, then Yuna pushed Chanyeol, who wanted to go first, and went first. When she got in the pool, she didn't rise to the surface, and everyone began panicking. Yuna gasped for air when she finally arrived to the surface, " Sorry, I didn't expect to fall in the deep end". 

When Kris went, Chen went right after him, and they crashed in the pool. Everyone just dropped down and laughed, even the children who were playing noticed. " Uncle Jongdae and Yifan are weird", said Tsuki. Yixing's son was sleeping in the jump house while everyone was jumping around.

It began to get dark, and they all changed into casual clothing and stayed inside. " It's been a while since we all got together again.", said Yixing who sipped his wine. Everyone just blankly stared at him, because it has only been a week since they've all been together.

The kids played all over the house, and the parents stayed in the living room looking at old photo's and video's on the TV, that they haven't seen in a while. " Who's that?", asked JoonMyun's daughter, who entered the living room. JoonMyun picked her up and pointed at the TV, " That's all of us, before you, Ren, and the other's were born". " Before we were born?", she asked. All of the adult's nodded.

All of the children sat in the living room with the adults to look at their past. Minseok found the EXO's showtime videos that he downloaded back then, because he was scared that if he didn't download them,  then he wouldn't be able to see it ever again. Everyone watched it together laughing at the moments, and remembered that Yifan had left right after the showtime aired. All of the members punched him. " Yah! What about Luhan!!", Yifan yelled. Then all of them began to hit Luhan. Yixing hugged Luhan and Kris, who he was sitting in between, " But thank you for what you did, after our come back, SM began treating us better".

Minseok and Yuna brought out the cake to the living room while singing happy birthday, to Ren and Meilin. They closed their eyes, made a wish, and blew out their candles. " What did you guys wish for?", Rei asked. Meilin punched his arm, " Shhhh Umma and Appa said that I can't tell, or else it won't come true".

While everyone was watching a movie, all of the husbands walked out of the living room. The wives made eye contact, and then shrugged their shoulders, which ment they didn't know where their weird husbands were going. All of a sudden they all heard a loud BANG in the backyard. They ran into the back yard to see what had happened. They all saw the husbands standing there, holding morning glories, and lighting up a bunch of fireworks that shot in to the starry night sky. " HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!", the guys yelled. They handed the kids some morning glories to play with. Taeyeon went to go hug Baekhyun, "Wow, this is all amazing". Baekhyun turned to kiss her. The guys suddenly picked their wives up, " This can't be good...", all of the wives thought. The guys all jumped into the pool with their wives. The girls were angry but couldn't help but laugh. " She's my lady~ ", all the guys sang happily, and hoping that they wouldn't get lectured. " EXO SARANGHAJA!!! We are one!!", the guys began to yell while looking up to the beautiful stars and fireworks.

Everyone in the backyard, even the children, shouted from their heart,
" WE ARE ONE!!!". " And hungry", Yuna added.

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