Chapter 5

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I tried my best to get to sleep but i couldn't, being in an unfamiliar place scared me, not that i was scared of Dimitri or anything it was just the thought of being somewhere unknown bought back memories, painful ones. I looked over at the clock that was resting on the bedside table and it read 11:27 pm, i had been trying to get to sleep for an hour and a half and had no luck, i didnt hear Dimitri go into his bedroom so i thought he may still be awake. I pulled back the covers and slid out of bed, Dimitri had borrowed me some sweatpants and a top to wear instead of sleeping in my dress. To be honest the top was almost like a dress on me on its own which was quite funny, i had taken off the sweatpants because i had gotten too warm so i put them back on before going into Dimitri.

Dimitri was in the living room watching tv when I went in and only noticed me when i closed the door after entering "Im sorry, did the tv wake you?" I shook my head

"No. I couldn't sleep," I tried to think of a reason why i had gotten out of bed "is there any chance i could have a glass of water please?" Dimitri nodded and stood up making his way to the kitchen, i followed him and watched as he made me a drink of water.

"Any particular reason why you couldn't sleep?" He asked, i sighed and leant against the counter

"Um, yeah, being somewhere I'm not used to brings back memories, it scares me sometimes" I nervously smiled, i wasnt sure how Dimitri was going to react to my small confession. He turned around to face me

"Wanna talk about it?" He suggested, i shook my head

"I don't want to bother you with my sob story" he shook his head and smiled gently

"It wouldn't be bothering me, I wouldn't mind listening, i could get to no you better, but if you don't want to talk about it thats fine" i shrugged my shoulders

"How long have you worked as a cop?" I asked.

"5 years." He answered.

"You might have heard about it around the station then, about 4 years ago me and another girl was kidnapped" His jaw almost hit the floor

"I thought I had heard your name somewhere before, I was one of the officers assigned to that case, I'm actually quite close to the other girl that was kidnapped." Without realising while we were talking we had moved ourselves from the kitchen and into the living room.

"You know Mia?" He nodded

"Shes friends with my sister, Viktoria." I nodded showing him that i was listening

"Small world" We both sat down on the couch and carried on chatting about the case, the man who had kidnapped me, Victor Dashkov, was now in prison with a life sentence for child abduction and attempted murder on both me and Mia. I don't show anyone but i still have a pretty bad scare on my stomach from when he stabbed me, its one of the worst things about me and Jesse constantly tells me how it ruins my perfect body which always upsets me.

When we were done talking about Victor Dimitri asked questions about me, i could tell he was trying to get to know me which was sweet

"So Rose, you no my job, whats yours?" He asked. Before i answered i ran into the room i was staying in and collected my bag, i ran back to the living room so he didn't think i had ignored him and sat down again. I pulled my camera out of my bag and put my bag on the floor

"Im a photographer, this is just my personal camera, i don't think my best friend, who i have known since i was 5, has ever seen me without one on me ever, even when i was little!" He looked shocked which confused me "why do you look surprised?" I asked.

"Thats where else I've heard your name, you were the photographers assistant at my sisters wedding, we have met before! It really is a small world" i gasped, remembering that day

"I remember that, your the man that pushed the obnoxious green eyed man into the fountain!" He laughed

"Yeah that was Adrian, i cant believe i met you 2 years ago and didn't recognise you" I smiled

"I cant believe we met again, its so weird." Dimitri chuckled and relaxed back into the couch

"How far have you come since then? Are you still an assistant?" I shook my head proudly

"No. Im the head photographer for the local modelling agency, i do at least 3 shoots every week sometimes even more." Dimitri's eyes widened

"So in other words, you get quite a lot of money each month!" I laughed

"Yeah you could say that!"

I liked being in Dimitri's company, i could talk openly to him and didn't have to worry. There was no awkward silences, instead if we had nothing else to say we would just sit there in a comfortable silence, it was nice, relaxing, nothing like my life at home. I wished i could stay here instead of returning to Jesse, maybe i didn't have to go back to him, maybe it was time to move on and accept that Jesse has changed. Maybe it was time to start a new chapter in my life, maybe the new chapter could involve a certain Russian sitting in front of me.

Oh god, an hour with the guy and I'm already thinking about dating him!

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