Chapter 6

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I am crazy. Here I was, trapped in a maze that a crazy voice was Controlling and I wanted to keep a dig that I had just tried to kill. The dog seemed to heal weirdly fast but there was still the matter of feeding him and stuff. He seemed to like me too, which was odd since I had just tried to kill him. He was a happy dog always barking and licking my face. He didn't seem to mind that I was covered in the blood of the other dogs. I wanted to get the blood off of me but I didn't want to waste any of my water. I used a little for my hands an face but my suit remained bloody. Every time I looked at I was reminded about what I did. I honestly don't know what happened. I had convinced myself I wouldn't kill the dogs but then I did. I cried a lot while my dog slept. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I was to afraid more dogs would show up. When I wasn't to busy trying to sleep or crying I was trying to think if a name for my new friend. Yet another sign I was crazy. I laughed at the thought but doing something so normal like picking a dog name gave me peace. I made me feel better than if I were to just sit there worrying. By the time my new friend woke up I had thought of a name.
"What do you think of Hunter?" I asked the dog. He started to wag his tail when the voice answered.
"Charming name truly, but personally I would have chosen something different."
I scowl when I think of him sitting there laughing. I bet he thinks that he's hilarious.
"C'mon Hunter" I say with a scowl. And he follows me. I feel safer with him there. He gives me a comfort that no knife ever could. We continue to walk aimlessly. I am still waiting for more dogs or some other growling animal to pop out of one of the corner but nothing happens.
We stop for another break after what seems like forever. Hunter eats a lot of my beef jerky but I am happy to give it to him. I stroke him and decide that now is as good as any time to stop for some sleep. I lie my head on my new found friend with my sunglasses blocking out the lights. I feel great with him there and fall asleep quickly for the first time since I got in this hellhole.

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