0.00 (Intro)

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Hey guys!

Thank you for chosing this book! first some information and disclaimers before the real first chapter!


- I do not own any of the characters from this book like Daniel. Only Rose is my own made up character!

- I do not own any of the pictures/music mentioned or showed in this book!

- English is not my native language so there might be mistakes or terms that aren't exactly right since i might not know some words. I do try to look up these words!

-The book is mine and can't be copied without my permission!

- yes i know im not the only one who wrote a book about a girl in the formula 1.

- There might be things like cursing,smut or anything like that in this book.

-I try to post twice every week if i can.



Rose is a wealthy Dutch girl who has dreamed of racing in the formula 1 ever since she was little. She can be feisty and is really good at standing up for herself. She can be a handful and is very confindent. She likes to mess and joke around with people and she is good with guys (no she doesnt mess around with a lot). She is obsessed with burgers and that's something her trainer isn't to happy about. this is also something Daniel will help her with later.

Daniel and all the other formula 1 drivers:

they will all be portrayed as different guys cuz i of course don't know them in real life. Some will be portrayed as not so nice cuz it just fits in the story. I just cant make them all sweet like i bet they are.

The story:

the story will begin at the first trainingsday of the new season. everyone gets to meet Rose and some don't really like the arrival of her. Daniel is slightly confused and impressed by her. He tries his best to remain faster and better than her. At the first dinner they will talk a lot and it almost seems like she is getting more into max than in Daniel but this changes during the night! During the story they will have their basic up and downs and finally get together. Daniel will help her with basic things as eating healthier or feeling more comfortable in her own skin. She will become best friends with Perez who will almost be like her brother. But everything goes south when Daniel finds out she cheated on him with Max when they just got together.

for now i think i have told enough and spoiled a few things. If there are still some questions don't be afraid to ask me! Also tips are Always welcome!

Now i let you finally go to the real story. Grab some popcorn or whatever snack you like and enjoy the ride/story

lots of love

xx Dannick

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