0.01 The new girl

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/The data and terms won't Always be correct sorry!/

Like always you could find Daniel at the circuit early. He loved being there as the first person to greet the other drivers. Since it was the beginning of the new season he was there even earlier to greet the staff as well. He was very grateful for them as they made him the man he is today. He welcomed a few but also the newer people. He wasn't sure if there were going to be new drivers but he didn't think so. Usually teams like Red bull and Mercedes would keep the same people. Maybe there would be a few changes in the Haas team or The Williams team but he wasn't to worried about it. He liked taking the new ones under his wing as he sometimes felt like the dad of the group.

He stood at the gate for about an hour now as most people already walked in but by what he had counted so far he still missed one driver so being his polite self he just waited. Not to much later he saw a pr group walk over with what seemed a driver but from the distance he couldn't see who it actually was. The only thing that was clear was that it was definitely a new one. He started to get excited until they came close. The driver wasn't just a new driver it was a girl.

He suddenly get flashbacks from the weeks before. He remembered seeing some drama in the news about a new driver he just never followed it. At this point he just wished he had followed it. The pr team greets him as he turns to the girl. She looks up at him and puts out her hand for him to shake. He smiled like he Always did and shaked her hand. ''I didn't know they allowed girls to be drivers. Maybe I should watch the news more" he said playfully and chuckled a bit. This made the girl laugh as well. ''Anyways it's nice to see a new face around. I'm Daniel Ricciardo but just call me Daniel or just Dan whatever you prefer.'' He said and looked down at the girl who was clearly a few inches smaller than him. ''Nice to meet you Daniel, I'm Rose. I will be Racing points new driver this year. I would love to beat your ass this year'' Rose said and winked at him playfully before walking of with the pr team to meet all the other drivers.

Daniel was intregued to say the least. He could tell by the way she walked and talked that she would be a feisty girl. It was exactly what she needed to be to make it. It would be a struggle to be the only girl in a mans world for sure. He bit his lip as he stood there for a bit in shock you could say. He made his way back to the Renault garage and chuckled to himself thinking backt to the encounter he just had.

Meanwhile Rose was walking past all the garages. She was of course raising some brows around the circuit as she was ''hot news''. Some engineers couldn't keep their mouths shut and made comments as ''She won't stay long'' or ''I bet that by the end of the season she has slept with most of the racers''. Yes she didn't look to bad and that was something she used to her advantage. People would under estimate her which gave her a kick to actually wanna proof them wrong. She had proven herself in the past few years to be where she is now. She had the luck that her dad was a wealthy man of course which sometimes made things easier. He paid quite some money to let her race when she was younger cuz most people found it ''to dangerous for a girl'' but in no way bought he her into this. This was something she did on her own.

When she arrivés at the Red bull garage both Albon and Verstappen walk out being intrigued by the young and short girl. They were one of the firsts to actually be happy to see the young lady. They introduced themselves and did some small talk. She learned that she was the youngest driver there since she was just 19. They also talked a bit about Daniel, so she learned that he was actually much older than her he was already 30 which she didn't see coming. They exchanged social media accounts and Phone numbers before she gets told to move on.

She hugs the lads goodbye before finally arriving at their own garage. She took a small moment to relax and check everything out. The next few weeks would mainly be training which she didn't mind it made it easier for her to fit in or at least she thought so. Everything became reality when she saw her number onto her car. It was really going to happen she would be a formula 1 driver. She traced the number 64 with her fingers as a smile crept onto her face. She heard a familiar voice as she saw Sergio walk over to her. Being teammates they obviously met a few times already. Perez was pretty happy to have a girl on the team he felt like it would change the sport in a good way plus having a pretty girl next to him didn't sound to bad either.

They hugged each other and looked at the car for a while. ''We made a few adjustments since the last time so i'm pretty sure it's better than ever'' he said to her. she nodded for a moment. ''I might as well get in and drive a lap than huh?'' She giggled and put her gear on. Meanwhile she saw a lot of cars drive out of the pitlane on to the circuit. Being in the car gave her another boost and made her forget all the comments she got. The whole media attention didn't matter to her, she found it fun and interesting so she could easily deal with it. She drove out of the pitlane to do her first lap on this cirquit.

On the other side of the garages was Daniel still sitting on a chair watching the screen to watch the others drive. He didn't had the urge to get in the car yet so he decided to slowly get back into the race spirit again. His attention gets drawn to the pink Racing Point car with numer 64. He hasn't talked to anyone about the new girly driver. He wasn't to sure if it made him seem like a weirdo. He was about to forget about her for a sec when max walks into the Renault garage. "Hello hello my favorite aussie'' max said while walking over to him. Daniel couldn't help but to laugh.

Even though he stopped racing for Red bull his friendship with max stayed the same. The age difference was there but since they were both adults he could care less. His friendship with max was almost like they were brothers. They talked about personal stuff and went partying too. Max sat down next to him as they looked at the screen. ''I see you are checking out girls already it's only 10am'' max said jokingly. ''owh shut your pie hole'' Daniel said and playfully pushed Max. ''Isn't it weird to you at all? I'm honestly both impressed as shocked that we have a lady driving with us. Let alone a young,small and feisty lady'' Daniel asked being curious how Max felt about this whole situation. He couldn't be the only driver finding this strange right? Max shrugged for a moment. ''I mean I get your confusion man but I think it will be refreshing. Unlike guys as Bottas I think it is the beginning of a new era in the Formula 1. I wouldn't talk to others about it though cuz you almost make it seem like you feel threathend by a girl'' he chuckled and looked at Daniel.

Daniel thought about it for a bit. Verstappen was right it would be a new era and who knows maybe there will be more girls in the future. It all just felt so random to him. Not only for him but the others as well it will be distracting. How do they treat her? Will she be "one of the guys'' or will she be treated gently like they would treat other girls. Plus the fact that she was very attractive would make it difficult. But feeling threathend wasn't the case. He won't let this girl get in his head to much. ''Being threathend by her? No way in hell mate. She is just a girl'' he said and leaned back in his chair. he heard max mumble something about having to practice before he left. Did he just scare Max off?

He wasn't to sure so he just decided that he would text him later to see what's up. One of the egineers looked at the screen being impressed and Daniel being the curious lad he is he looks at the screen as well. The Rancing Point with number 64 just made a very fast lap something you would usually see at the qualifications. he furrowed his brows and sighed again. He wanted to show her what he got and got ready to go on the cirquit as well.

On this exact moment Rose drove her car back into the pitlane/garage being cheered on by some of the racing point staff. For a rookie her first day of training wasn't going to bad. They would later meet up at some bar down town to celebrate the beginning of the season. It was some tradition she heard. Being among the guys made her unsure of the fact if she should get dressed al girly or just wear some basic clothes. She climbed out of the car being a bit sweaty. She gets brought over to her mobile home and took a nice well deserved shower. She let all the impressions sink in and calmed down. She had to keep her tough wall up so she decides to wear a leather dress she brought. It would once again make the boys under estimate her which is exactly what she is looking for.


Word from the writer:

hey guys! thank you for chosing this book! i'm a huge formula 1 fan so i hope that i get the terms right since english isn't my native language so sorry for that! I also make up all the results and stuff cuz that makes it more fun of course! I'm sorry is a bit short i'm trying to change that. tips are Always welcome!

lot's of love

xx Dannick

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