0.02 Party

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Rose arrived at the bar not much later than Daniel did. She looked around the bar and noticed that she was the last one to arrive. The eyes of the guys immediatly went to her as the bar went silent. Even Daniel couldn't help but to look at her. Her clevage was slightly showing and the brown leather dress was rather form fitting. Her hair was down unlike this morning and she had some make up on. You could say that she was a completely differen person than this morning.

She lets out a groan as she makes a gesture for the guys to talk again. ''If you guys don't watch out you might drool on your shoes now continue please'' she said and some of the drivers couldn't help but laugh before continuing with their conversations.

Her eyes meet Daniel's as she waved at him. Just by greeting her this morning he left a good impression plus from what she heard from Max and Alexander is he the funniest and most caring person around. Daniel couldn't help to smile and waveback at her. in a setting like this his feelings about the femal driver were a bit different. He has had enough time to think about her and finally made peace with the fact that she will be racing with them. He was about to get up and walk over when he sees Max walk over to her holding two glasses.

''There goes your shot'' he thinks to himself before thinking about the age difference again. If he would seriously get feelings for her wouldn't it be weird? an age difference of 11 years plus she wouldn't ever be seriously interested in another driver right? He turned back to his drink and downed it completely.

It was the last time for a while that he could get completely waisted. Him downing his drink got an reaction from Sebastian who was rather impressed by the australian. Daniel was able to put his focus on the others and ignoring the lovely lady only 3 chairs away.

Rose was sat next to Max and Sergio. They had some small talk about this season and their chances. Rose didn't think much of it since they didn't even have had their first race yet. She hoped that she would be able to drive a 5th or 6th place this year but she would totally be fine with a 10th place as well.

She could feel Max moving his arm around her tiny waist. It was something that felt natural to her even though they just met. Her eyes eventually go back to Daniel's direction hoping to make eye contact again. For a moment she thought that she would be weird for being interested in the older guy. But than she shakes it off again. Being interested in someone didn't immediatly mean she wanted to date him right? All she did was wonder what would be going on in that head.

Daniel could feel Sebastian nudging his side so he looks over at him. ''what's up mate?'' He asks while taking a sip of his second drink this evening. Sebastian chuckled a bit before whispering "I think our new friend is interested in you" He said and looked over to Rose. Daniel frowned a bit before looking into Rose her eyes once again.

A smile crept onto his face and Sebastian started whispering again. ''If you don't make a move now Max certainly will'' He said and pointed out the fact that Max his hand was already around her waist. Daniel thought about his move before getting up and getting them drinks. He made his way over to Max and Rose before sitting on the otherside of rose in the booth. This caused Max to put his arm back to his side.

Daniel put's the drink down in front of her and smiles. ''for the lady'' he mumbles and sat back while they had eye contact. He wasn't really into flirting so this was holding him back a little. Rose seemed to appreciate the gesture and takes the drink. She takes a sip of it and nods in approval. "This actually quite nice thank you Daniel! I'm sorry if i came off rude this morning. It was just my way of showing that i'm not scared of you guys'' She said letting her guard down a little.

He didn't seem like a guy who would take advantage of it. Daniel nodded and shrugged it off. ''I mean i get why you acted like that, some of us can be assholes but i wont mention any names'' He said chuckling once again. He had her full attention and he could see Max being slightly annoyed. He never thought he would say it but there might be a girl getting between them.

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