The Big Ask

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Siblings : the only rival you can't live without

The trio arrived in Pallet town not too long after meeting.

Chase suggested that they have a sleepover since they haven't seen each other in so long.

Trace agreed but said that he should go home and tell his sister and that he probably would eat dinner at his house first.

This left the twins to go get ready at their house.

As they entered the house, a loud shout was heard from the kitchen.


The kids scrambled to quickly pull off their shoes before their mother walked in.

"My children! It's so good to see you! It's been far too long!" their mother said in a sweet voice as she hugged her children.

The twins were terrified at how quickly their mothers attitude changed.

Their mother released them from the hug and asked them, "have you two seen Trace yet? I'm sure he'll be glad to see you, he's been pretty down in the dumps since you two left."

"Yeah we have, he's coming over for a sleepover today if that's alright," Chase spoke. Although Elaine wasn't thinking about anything else, other than the fact that Trace had been upset.

She always hated it when Trace was upset, it made her feel sad.

"Of course he can come over! But the air mattress is broken so he'll have to share a bed with one of you,"

Chase just shrugged, "whatever, where's the food? I'm starved!"

Chase followed his mother into the kitchen to get some food.

Elaine just stared at the floor, for some reason hearing Trace was sad had made her feel funny. Like she had the sudden urge to do everything in her power to make him happy.

Elaine was pulled out of her thoughts when May started jumping up and down on her head. Elaine laughed and lifted her eevee up off her head.

"What's wrong, girlie?"
Elaine got her answer when May's stomach started to grumble.

"I guess you're hungry huh? Alright let's go get you filled up,"

Elaine brought her little Pokemon into the kitchen and set her down beside April. Her mother had put out bowls of berries and poke-kibble for them.

Chase was eating pasta while he talked with their mother.

"I'm just going to freshen up and then I'll eat something,"

"Sure thing sweetie!"


Elaine was sitting on her part of the bunk bed she shared with Chase. Her damp hair was pulled into a braid and she was eating her pasta.

Elaine and Chase used to sleep in the bottom bunk together when they were younger but as they grew older Chase said that he wanted to top bunk because it had a better mattress.

Elaine had argued that she should get the top bunk but Chase managed to get his way.

"Hey, Chase?" Elaine asked as she finished off her dinner.

"Hmm?" Chase was laying on his bunk a he played with April. May had fallen asleep on Elaine's lap straight away after eating.

"Can I ask you something personal?" Chase was usually good at keeping secrets but sometimes he forgot and told either their mother or Trace. One time he told Professor Oak that Elaine fell in the toilet once.

Thankfully the Professor just laughed and continued on with what he was doing.

"Is this about your crush on Trace?"

Elaine was glad that she had finished her food because she definitely would have spilled her food all over.


Chase leaned over his bed to look at his madly blushing twin.

"Oh, well, it's a little obvious. At one point I thought you two were going out and didn't tell me,"

"Why would you think that?!" Elaine was getting more flustered by the second.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down, I'm just saying that you and Trace act like a couple! The way he's constantly playing and messing with your hair, the way you always make him happy and the way you two seem to get lost in your own world when you talk,"

Elaine stared in shock at her brother. She had no idea he noticed anything other than himself! He seemed like a real love expert.

Wait, what am I saying?! I'm not in love! Elaine thought to herself.

"Maybe we're just close friends, okay?"

Chase didn't seem convinced. He gave his sister a smug smirk which made Elaine very sceptical.

"Oh really? Then what were you going to ask me before?"

Elaine was caught out so she just pouted and picked up eevee.

"I was going to ask why YOU don't have a girlfriend!" Elaine lied, trying to turn the heat towards her brother instead of her.

"Rude to assume that I want a girlfriend," Chase casually replied.

Elaine shrugged, "okay then, why don't you have a girl or boyfriend,"

Chase thought for a moment before confidently replying, "I could get one whenever I want! I'm sure there's a line a mile long filled with people just dying to talk to me!"

Elaine shook her head at her brothers arrogance but amusement could still be seen in her eyes.

"I'm sure you could,"


Ayyyy so short chapter!

I'm tired and my mind won't work anymore, this is actually very off from what was originally going to happen in this chapter but I like how it turned out!

The next chapter will be longer and will contain more reviveshipping!

Hope you enjoyed ❤ bye dudes!

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