Giving Chase

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Somethings are better left unsaid, I generally realise this after I've said them.


It was the morning of their new journey. Professor Oak had told them to wake up early and meet outside the lab.

Chase yawned as he dropped his bag on the ground and sat down. Elaine stood beside him, holding May as the little Pokemon slept in her arms.

"Why are we doing this again? And why did we have to wake up so early?" Chase sleepily slurred. Elaine rolled her eyes.

"I'm doing this for my own reasons, you just decided to tag along. And we needed to get up early so we can leave right away! Professor Oak said that other people may have discovered the riddle as well and could be looking for it!" Elaine was a little grumpy but that's what being tired will do to you.

Chase smirked while he moved to rest himself against the plaque outside the lab. "You're just doing this to be with Trace..." he trailed off.

Elaine turned around to look at Chase- only to realise he had fallen asleep.

Elaine groaned and set May gently onto the soft green grass. She strode in front of Chase and looked down at her twin. For a second she sympathised with him, only for a second, though. She smacked his face "lightly" to wake him up.

He gave a grunt of displeasure and began to bat her hand away. "Stahhp," he slurred. Elaine rolled her eyes. "You sound like you're drunk!" Elaine exclaimed.

Chase shrugged, not entirely taking in what Elaine actually said.
"Who sounds drunk?" someone asked from behind.

Elaine whirled around to be met with the sight of Trace running towards them. He wore the same t shirt as yesterday, although you could tell that he had washed it by the fragrance of washing up powder. He wore tights much like his usual ones but instead of the odd green colour on them, they had a nice shade of blue on them.

Elaine had decided to wear peach shorts, a white t shirt with a pink swirl design over the shoulders and her usual cap. May had a matching t shirt and matching cap to Elaine.

Chase had worn blue jeans, a black t shirt and his cap. April wore a red t shirt.

Elaine was about to respond to Trace when the doors to the lab slammed open. Everyone turned in the direction of the doors, even Chase and May- who were now very awake. May whined and hopped on Elaine's shoulder.

Professor Oak stood in the doorway, looking a little dishevelled, with a folder in his arms. He walked up to the trio.

"Morning! Thank you all for meeting this early in the morning, I know Elaine and Chase must be worn out seeing as you only arrived Monday. As I said yesterday, the first location should be Cinnabar Island, first however I would like you guys to make a stop in Pewter City. I have a package there which contains equipment I think will be very important for this journey. Thank you all again and good luck on your journey!" Professor Oak practically shoved the folder into Elaine's grasp and turned on his heel to head back into the lab.

Damn that guy is overworked.

The kids stared in bewilderment for a second, not quite processing what just happened.

Finally Elaine snapped out of it, she headed towards route 1. "let's go, guys!" she cheerily spoke. May cried out in agreement and started hopping up and down on her shoulder.

Trace helped pull Chase off the floor and then set off after Elaine. Chase soon followed suit. April had clambered into has backpack and now slept soundly there as Chase walked off after his friends.

Elaine lead the group over to the start of route one. As they neared the path, Elaine noticed a familiar face walking by them.

Kayleigh smiled at Elaine, the two had been friends in school before Elaine dropped out to be home schooled, it was easier with her being co champion and all. Elaine smiled back but her friendly expression wavered when Kayleigh looked at Trace.

She blushed and with one hand she played with her short bob of hair and with her free hand she gave Trace a little wave.

Trace just awkwardly smiled and waved back before returning his attention to making sure Elaine didn't trip while she was walking. It was a habit he had.

Elaine scowled a little once Kayleigh was gone by. She was in a bad mood all of a sudden. Elaine remembered stumbling upon Kayleigh picking flowers one day and she remembered the girl telling her not to tell Trace.

Elaine hadn't thought much of it, Kayleigh had always had a soft spot for Trace. Although now, for some reason it bothered her so much more.

Elaine shook her head and just kept walking. The two boys were walking behind her still and they made no move to catch up with her.

Elaine sighed, this adventure wasn't off to a great start.


When they were about halfway between Pallet town and their destination, Chase flopped down on the ground and began complaining.

"We've been walking forever! Why can't we just sky dash over there?" He sounded like they'd walked all the way to  Viridian city and back!

"You know Trace is afraid of flying! It'd be cruel to do that to him!" Elaine retorted.

Trace shifted awkwardly on his feet, embarrassed that he was the reason they had to walk there.

"I-I don't mind flying there. I don't want to be the reason we take so long.." Trace looked between the two. Elaine shook her head vigorously.
"We're not going to make you go through that! We used to travel all the time on foot, we can do it again!"

Chased stood and stormed off ahead, mumbling to himself as he went.

Elaine stook her tongue out at his back.

"Did something happen to him?" Trace asked Elaine.
"No. He's just moody and lazy." Elaine snorted.

Trace smiled and laughed, much to Elaine's delight.

With that the trio continued on.




I decided to split this story into two parts because I wanted to upload something after completing forgetting to do so for months.

I need to read back over this story to remember what my plans for it were because I stupidly forgot to write down my story plans.... Yay.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I try to add in more comedy to it to make it enjoyable! It'll start to pick up pace in later chapters, I know it's going a little slow right now, sorry about that!

Comments are greatly appreciated! They really help motivate me to write!

Bah bye!

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