[15 || boxer]

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I was startled by the sudden hug, but hugged him back after a second.

"I have something for you" I then said and let go of him.

"What?" He asked me in confusion.

I took a step to the side with a smirk over my face, revealing Chris to him.

"Chris!" He cried. "So you were really there" he said and ran to hug his friend as well.

"I was" he said and smiled.

"But where have you been all this time?" Felix continued asking him.

"It's a long story, but we should get going because the others are waiting" I interrupted them. I hoped the others hadn't left without us, because this whole trip had taken me quite some time already.

We entered the elevator all together, and for the second time I arrived at the next level.

"Level 7, welcome to boxer, don't lose" said the speaker.

"It's them!" I heard a voice cry as we stepped out, all three of us.

"Thank god, I was starting to believe you would never come back" another one of them said as they all walked towards us to welcome us back.

We had a very touching reunion and we introduced Chris to the others. We two also told our whole story to the others.

"Did you seriously go back all the way to the beginning just to get me out?" Felix asked and looked at me with a weird expression over his face.

"I was the only one with a life left to sacrifice" I said and shrugged.

"But you could have died again since you didn't have the rest of us with you, why are you being so stupid?" He said and seemed almost upset.

I glared at him. Was he seriously going to be rude to me after I saved his life? "But I didn't because I'm actually not as stupid as you think" I snapped at him. "Besides I had Chris to help me" I added.

"But you couldn't know you were going to find him when you went back" he said.

"You don't know, maybe I could have made it myself as well" I said and continued glaring at him.

"She just saved you and you're still fighting" Jisung said and rolled his eyes at Felix.

"I think she would definitely have made it even without me, because she's the one who told me exactly what to do through out all levels" Chris said to defend me.

"Whatever, let's just continue" Felix said and headed towards the door that led into where the real task was.

"So Nora, since you've already been here, what are we supposed to do?" Hyunjin asked before we opened up the door.

"We have to win over our opponent in a fight, and I think the opponent is someone we care about, for me it was the same as the one in level 3" I explained to them.

"Well, let's go then" Jeongin said and opened up the door.

We all tried entering trough, but we couldn't. Jeongin was the first one to enter trough the door, but the second he was in, all the rest of us were pushed out.

"One player at a time" said a loud voice, the same as the speaker in the elevator, then the door closed before our eyes.

I sighed. Guess we'll wait then. I just hoped he would make it.

"Even more waiting, yay" Seungmin said with no enthusiasm at all as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry it took so long, but I was trying my best to be as fast as possible" I said and looked at him.

The Arcade || Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now