Long Way Home

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Oneshot Type: Cute
Luke Hemmings

I was listening to "Long Way Home" by 5sos when I got this idea.

I'm sitting on the swing at the park. My earbuds in as always. A few kids and their parents here and there. I'm waiting for my best friend, Luke. He offered to drive me home today after his basketball practice. I don't know why though, I could have caught the bus like I usually do. Today felt different. Like something was gonna happen. Good or Bad ? I didn't know...

Luke comes running up and scares me from behind, catching me off guard, I fall out of the swing and on the ground. He then starts laughing his ass off. "Y-you HAHA tha-that was HAHAHA hilarous" he said between breaths. "Shut it asshole!" I say in a fake mad tone (but he doesn't need to know). "Addie, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" concern now in his voice. I smile. "Awww lukey is worried about me thats so sweet". "Yeah. Help me up though?" I ask reaching my hand torwards him. He takes it, as he pulls upwards I yank him down with me. "AHHH! ADELINE!" He hollers. I on the other hand can't stop laughing. "Ha! I got you back loser!" "Oh yeah" he smirks that devil smirk he has. The one that makes my insides turn to jelly. "Stop he's your best friend. Quit thinking about him like that". He's not in love with you... "Addie! Adeline!! *snap snap* Is anyone there??" Luke pulls me from my thoughts. "Did you hear me?" "What? No sorry." I shrug. He sighs and said "I said I'll get you back, but right now I'm hungry so lets go get food." We finally get up off the ground and start walking to his truck. Once to the truck I noticed the bed cover is on "Hmm thats weird its usually open.." As I climb into the passenger side I ask. "Hey Luke?" He hums in response, "Why is the truck bed covered?" He glances over at me "Umm you might see later" He sounds nervous. I wonder why....

The drive through town was short. "Where do you want to eat?" Luke asks me. "I don't really care, but nowhere fancy cause I look like a hobo" I said laughing at the last part. I was wearing a pale yellow tshirt with highwaisted denim shorts, and my hair was just thrown up in a messy bun. "You look just fine, as always My Cutie Pie" He said and winked at me. I started blushing but to hide it I just shook my head and rolled my eyes at him "Whatever."

Luke pulled into the little mexican place we like to go sometimes. Its cheaper than some and nobody in here cares what your wearing.

Me and Luke had a good dinner, argued about who was paying or if we should split it, he paid for both of us. Now to head home. Its only a 30ish minute drive. We hit the road heading out of town, I plugged my phone into the aux. Luke usually doesn't mind when I take over the music cause we have the same taste. So I knew he wouldn't care when I started blaring 'Adore You' by Harry Styles. I was singing and jamming out
and didn't notice that he missed our turn. "Um Luke ? Wasn't that the road you're supposed to turn on ?" "Yeah, but I'm gonna take a different way tonight if thats okay?" He asked. "Yeah thats fine. Change of scenery." We drive in almost silence for a while except for the music. The sun was going down and it looked beautiful. All the colors. Pinks, Purples, Reds and Blues. WOW. I had no idea where we were. It was so open minus a few trees here and there. There was a little hill up off the road, with a huge tree on top. Luke pulled off the road and up on top of the hill. "Luke what are we doing ?" I asked him "You'll see" he said as he got out. Okay why won't he tell me! He knows I don't like secrets!! Luke comes around the truck opens my door and helps me get out. He's been so nice today what is up?
He keeps my hand in his as we walk around to the bed of the truck. I can't help but feel a little giddy cause HE IS STILL HOLDING MY HAND. Like yeah we're besties we hold hands all the time, mostly for jokes. We hold hands and act like we are together when we go to the bar, but thats mainly to keep other guys from hitting on me and things. This. This feels nice, just us two alone in the middle of nowhere. "Addie close your eyes please. I do as I was told "Okay they're closed". He let go of my hand then, I felt cold now. I heard him moving around to take the cover off the truck bed and then open the tailgate. "Alright open!" I opened my eyes and gasped at what I saw. There in the bed of his truck was a little twin size air mattress and blankets. "Luke what is this?" I asked having an idea but wanting him to confirm it. "Its your perfect date! S" he said with excitement then nervousness in his voice, "why? Do you hate it? I'm sorry" he was rattling off to himself. "Luke!" I try. He keeps mumbling about how he should have paid better attention blah blah blah. "Lukkeyy!" That usually works. "LUCAS ROBERT!!" He freezes "yeah?" I barely hear him. "Look at me." He turns to look at me but I'm already sprinting towards him. I jump into his arms and hug him, he catches me then wobbles a bit to regain his balance. I feel him smile into my hair. "You like it?" I lifted my head to look at his face. His beautiful face. This is it kiss him now! Without a second thought I smash our lips together. He is taken by suprise, but it only takes him a second to start to kiss me back. "Wow." He said when we stopped to breathe. Omg I just kissed my best friend I've been in love with for a while now. You've probably ruined your friendship. I can't believe you. He probably just meant this as a friends only thing and didn't want you to kiss him. I stayed silent as he set me back on the ground. My thoughts racing.

"Um Addie? Are you okay? Whats wrong baby?" Baby. He's bever called me baby before. I love that name though and its even better coming from him. "Uh um yeah. I think so. Luke? What just happened?" I say while stepping and turning from him. "Well you just kissed me. After you jumped into my arms- I'm still not sure why- but then I kissed you back for a bit and now here we are." "Okay. Well I have two questions then." I said. "Shoot" He shrugged. "Alright. One why are we here? Two you kissed me back so what does this mean for us?" I look back at him questioningly. My eyes are starting to glaze over at the thought of losing my best friend from a stupid kiss. He takes a deep breath and sighs

"Adeline May," he uses both my names so it must be important. "I have liked you from the day I met you. Then we got closer as friends but I always wanted to be more than that. I never thought you would like me in any other way- I'm assuming you do cause you kissed me first, anyway I realized I loved you last fall and didn't want to be with anyone else. You were dating that asshat at the time," I giggle at how stupid I was cause Austin was and always will be an asshat. "And you kept calling me and telling me how much pain he was causing you and I just wanted to hold you tight and keep you from all the heartbreak you were going through. Then you guys broke up and I was like 'yes this is my chance!' but you said you were done with guys and just wanted to focus on school. So I backed off and let you. Summer is almost here now so I said 'Ya know what?' " He paused his catchphrase while I laughed, "I'm gonna just take her out this week and if she feels the same we can have all summer - and the rest of our lives- together. So this is me taking you to dinner at our favorite mexican place, bringing you to watch sunsets, and stars. To cuddle with you in the bed of my truck and just listen to you tell me and point out all the constellations. This is me telling you how I feel and hoping you feel the same. This is hoping we have all summer and the rest of our lives together. This is me wanting to call you names like 'baby, honey, and Mine'. So will you be mine Addie?"

He looks at me. I'm speechless. My eyes are all welled up with tears cause DAMN I love this boy. I just nod and let out a small "yes". "Babe are you crying?" "Maybe. But they're happy tears." I fling myself at him again and he hugs me back. "I love you" I say. "I love you more honeybun" he laughs. Honeybun? I like it. "So shall we continue our date my new boyfriend?" I ask giggling, "We shall my lovely girlfriend." He says back. So with that we finished our date laying in his truck and stargazing cuddled beneath the blankets while stealing a few kisses here and there. I'm glad we decided to take the long way that day. Now every weekend we go to our new spot on that hill, we take our time to get there though, kissing at any stop signs and red lights we come to. Always taking the long way home.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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